Chapter 7: Golfing with Royalty

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After spending time with her friends and boyfriend, Grace and her family were invited to golf with her uncle, stepaunt, and cousins. As she walked on the golf course, she made it to the spot where her family was. As she got closer, Grace could see that her redhead cousin was preparing to hit the ball into the put. She smirked to herself and snuck behind her cousin. From the sidelines, her family was watching with amused smirks and were trying not to laugh. Impersonating an "announcer" with her voice, she leaned into his ear. Grace whispered, "Oh, he can't make it. He's gonna miss." On hearing his younger cousin, Harry let out a startled yelp in response and caused everyone to laugh. He turned to see Grace laughing with the others and pouted. The redhead said, almost whining, "Gracie, you ruined my concentration." In response, the girl laughed and smirked. Grace replied, in a baby voice, "Awe, poor baby." Harry glared at his favorite cousin, playfully, and said, "You're going to get it." From his spot by his other cousin, Will laughed and shared a look with Andrew. Will called out to Grace, "Run, Gracie!" Of course, Grace didn't need to be told twice and burst into a run. When she saw Harry coming her way, she let out a squeal.

While watching her daughter with her nephews, Katherine smiled and chuckled, shaking her head. Coming up to his younger sister, Charles watched his sons with his niece and glanced at his sister. He smiled softly and said, "If anyone couldn't tell, they ought to be siblings. Right, Kath?" Katherine chuckled and replied, "It seems that way." Looking around the group, the young woman noticed that there was one person missing. She furrowed her eyebrows and said to her brother, "Where's Camilla? I assumed that she would've want to join us." Although most of her family and her country was against Charles' love affair then marriage to Camilla, Katherine choose to be loyal to her brother. She was after all his youngest sister, the third of Elizabeth's children. Charles sighed and replied, shaking his head, "I'm afraid that she won't be joining us. She's at the ladies luncheon with the Evan's family and Mr. Fulton. Camilla will join us later for dinner." The siblings' conversation was interrupted when they heard Grace shriek, guessing that Harry had caught her in their little chase. Now that Harry had caught his cousin, he then used it to his advantage and ran his fingers down her sides, tickling her. Naturally, as anyone would respond with being tickled, Grace let out a shriek and began to laugh. Grace tried to get out of her cousin's grip but it was no use. Grace said to Harry, "Harry! Let me go! Please!" Harry smirked and replied, "Only if you say I'm the best cousin."

Not wanting to give in, Grace shook her head and giggled. Of course, that only caused her cousin to tickle her more. She took in a deep breath and said, smiling, "Okay, I give in!! You're the best cousin ever! See, I added 'ever'!! Are you happy?!" Smirking to himself, Harry released his cousin and crossed his arms at her. Once she was released, Grace raced over to her three brothers, standing behind them. She had a smug look on her face and said to her three brothers, "Luke, Sam, Andrew!!! Help me!! He's coming for me!!" At the sound of their sister's 'cries' for help, all three brothers turned to see her running towards them. When Harry took a step close to his cousins, his two older cousins stepped in front of his younger cousin with their arms crossed. However, Andrew decided to stay next to Will, snickering as the events unfolded. Harry's eyes slightly winded and stepped back. From behind her older brothers, Grace smirked and stuck her tongue at her cousin. On seeing this, Katherine let out a sigh and crossed her arms. She called out to her daughter, "Grace, that is not very ladylike and unbecoming of a girl with your stature!" Grace then turned to her mother, giving her an annoyed look. Harry snickered as his cousin got scolded and joined his father and brother.

As she stood between her father and Sam, Grace spotted her boyfriend with Chad and the Evan's family. She turned to watch them, hoping that Troy would see her. To her disappointment, it seemed that he was too much in his element notice her and a frown appeared on her face. The frown turned into a look of sadness which then turned into heartbreak then betrayal. The reason? Sharply had came up next to Troy and placed her hands on his shoulders. Grace would've thought that her boyfriend would take them off but he never did. Lately, she noticed that he was getting pulled away by Fulton and Sharpay's demands, making her increasingly suspicious and concerned. From his spot next to his brother, Will saw that his cousin was distracted and followed her gaze. Their family had moved on to the next hole but when he realized that Grace was behind, he stayed. He walked over to his cousin and said to her, placing his hand on her shoulder, "Come on, we're moving on to the next hole." Shaking away from her gaze, Grace turned to follow her older cousin but stopped, hoping Troy would see her. When he didn't, she sighed sadly and continued after her family.

While standing with his family, Andrew had seen the entire exchange with his sister and friend. He really didn't appreciate Troy treating  his sister the way he was. The teenage boy did have a gut feeling that his friend had not idea but nonetheless, he didn't like it one bit. From across the family, Troy grinned to himself as he made another putt, causing the Evan's family to clap. While being with the Evan's family, it almost felt wrong being with Sharpay when he knew he should be with Grace. Awhile ago, he had heard his girlfriend's delightful laughter and shrieks. Naturally, he would turn into the direction of them and found his girlfriend being chased by one of her cousins. Before he could even try to get her attention, Sharpay would pull him away before he got the chance. Interrupting his thoughts, Sharpay encouraged him to do another putt, smiling. Sighing, Troy moved his gaze away then readied himself and made the putt. As the ball went into the putt, the Evan's family let out another round of applause. Just when he turned to look at his girlfriend again, Troy was pulled away by Sharpay again. As he followed the Evan's family, he had felt someone watching him and sadly knew it was Grace. His heart broke, knowing that he was doing this to her. Turning to look back, Troy watched as Grace left with her family, her head hanging low. It looked as if things in paradise weren't going as plan for this couple.

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