Chapter 5: A Picnic on the Golf Course

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As Grace and her cousins walked around the golf course, they laughed at something Harry had said. Suddenly, the girl felt something wrap around her waist and let out a squeal.
Will and Harry turned to their cousin with concern on their faces. A familiar voice said, "Miss me?" Grace chuckled and turned around to see her boyfriend. She smiled and replied, "Always, Troy. I thought you had a shift though." Troy shrugged his shoulder with a smirk and said, "I'm on my lunch break right now. Have you ever been on a golf course?" Grace replied, "Just the other day with my family and Sharpay's. I don't play golf though, you know this." Troy said, grinning from ear to ear, "Who said anything about golfing?" Grace turned back to her cousins and said to them, "You don't mind if I go, do you?" Will smiled at his cousin and replied, "Not at all, Grace." Harry smirked at his cousin and said, "As long as you join us for tea later with Pa." Grace chuckled and replied, "You'll have to talk to my parents first about that, Harry. I'll see you two later." She waved goodbye to her cousins then followed her boyfriend, as they made their way onto the golf course. Grace stopped in her tracks when she saw a picnic blanket with plates of food on it and said, gasping, "Oh, Troy. You didn't have to do this." Troy replied, "I wanted to, Gracie. We haven't had a date since you left for England."

The couple walked over to the picnic blanket and made themselves comfortable. A couple minutes later, Grace sighed in content.. Troy smiled at his girlfriend and said, "What is it?" Grace replied, "I just wish it was like this all of the time. No stress, not worrying about the press following my every move, and no duties to worry about." Troy nodded with a smile and said, "So, you never did tell me how your grandmother was. How is she?" Grace took a strawberry from a bowl and replied, "She is much better. She only had a stomach bug and the flu. Everyone is just relieved to not have to worry about a funeral and a coronation. Mum is relieved that Uncle Charlie didn't have to worry about the pressures of being King just yet." Troy said, "It must be hard with all of those duties and the pressure of everyone expecting you to be a great ruler." Grace replied, smiling, "You have no idea. I will have to go back to England though, after next summer. Nana will want me to get ready for royal engagements and take up duties, along with my brothers. Mum won't like it though." Troy stared at his girlfriend with confusion and said, "What I don't understand is why your mother hates being recognized as royalty." Grace replied, "After an incident with security, dealing with Uncle Andrew, and family drama, Mum just got fed up with all of the rumors and press. She decided to not be recognized but keep her royal title."

The couple had no idea they were being watched by Sharpay and her brother, Ryan. Sharpay let out a scoff and said, "I cannot believe that she had the audacity to not speak to me after she came back from England. I had hoped of getting Troy." Ryan shrugged his shoulders and replied, "He is loyal to Grace, Shar. Besides, she is probably busy with spending time with her family and friends. She does have a tight schedule." He wasn't going to let his sister talk bad about Grace, not on his watch. Sharpay let out another scoff and said, "Whatever, the point is....I need to get Troy on my side. I just know that Kelsi is making a song for those two lovebirds and I want it. So, you're gonna get it for me." Ryan held back a groan but nodded anyways. If he ever gets the chance to talk to Grace, he needed to tell her about Sharpay's plan. Back with the couple, Grace and Troy were talking when the sprinklers went off. Grace let out a shriek in shock, gasping as she got wet. Troy turned to his girlfriend with a smirk and pulled her with him. Grace said, "Troy, what are you doing?!?!" Troy pulled his girlfriend into a dance and laughed. He said, as they ran through the sprinkles, "You're getting so wet!!!"

Sadly, the couple's fun was short lived when they got caught by Mr. Fulton. Mr. Fulton crossed his arms as he scolded the couple in front of him. He said, "First, a break time infarction and now frolicking on the golf course? *He turned to Grace* Now, since your mother is a member of the British family and so are you, it is not my place to scold you but I expected more from you, Ms. Anderson." Troy glanced at his girlfriend then looked at Mr. Fulton and replied to him, "It's not her fault, Mr. Fulton. It was my idea..." Mr. Fulton interrupted, "How gallant but irrelevant. We won't allow this to happen again, will we?" The couple shook their heads, sharing a glance. After that, Mr. Fulton turned to leave and Grace crossed her eyes at the older man. Troy glanced at his girlfriend and snickered at her action. Mr. Fulton turned back to the couple and they stopped snickering, raising his eyebrow.

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