Chapter 11: A New Troy/I Don't Dance

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After having lunch with Camilla, Grace decided to look around for Troy to find out was going on with him. He was becoming more distant with her ever since his visit with Fulton. While she had that a feeling that this was Sharpay's doing, she couldn't place the blame on anyone. That wasn't her. Sure enough, she found Troy practicing baskets in a RedHawks jacket. Grace smiled and said grabbing Troy's attention, "Look at you! All fancy looking. Go, team." Troy turned at the sound of his girlfriend's voice and said, as he spun in a circle, "Yeah, it's a gift from the guys." Grace looked at Troy with an unamused expression and said, "The 'guys'? You mean those tall people you hang out with now?" Troy nodded and replied, receiving a text from one of the U of A players, "Yeah, yeah. Hey, look. I'm gonna leave in a minute with the guys to go hang out but I'll be back in about an hour. I'll pick you up in my new truck and we'll go out to a movie or eat out. I promise." Grace sighed and said, "Promise is a big word, Troy. Don't make a promise you can't keep. *She watched as her boyfriend went to take a hoop but stopped as he took in what she said next* And what about that baseball game that you promised to play? I'm not even staff and I'm coming with my brothers and cousins. My cousins would really like to meet you, Troy." Troy nodded and replied, "Yeah, right. Baseball. I'll be there. As for your cousins, I would like to meet them too. They seem like they're cool." Grace sighed sadly and said, "You forgot, didn't you?" Troy turned to Grace and replied, "No, I just got the date mixed up. And I'm sorry I couldn't make lunch today, I know how much you wanted me to meet your aunt. It's just been wild, you know? I can't believe how things are working out here." Grace rolled her eyes and said, "Yes, I see. Italian golf shoes, new clothes; don't get me started on golf carts. That crazy stuff? I bet it's hard to keep up with it, huh?"

It was Troy's turn to roll his eyes. He replied, unaware that he crossed the line, "So, what's your point? You understand how this works. You've been through before, you are a princess." Grace said, getting snappy, "Don't you dare bring my status into this! I don't throw my status around in other people's faces, unlike some of my family members. I raised differently than they were. This doesn't seem like new stuff, it seems like a new you. A new Troy. And I'm not quite sure if I like this new Troy." Troy didn't get a chance to respond to Grace's snappy statement when he noticed Chad, Zeke, and Jason open the door behind Grace. They were all wearing shorts and t-shirts. Chad came up to Grace and said to Troy, as a black car pulled up behind Troy, "Alright, let's see if Tiger Woods still has a jump shot." A window rolled down from the car and a U of A player shouted, waving at Troy, "Hey, hey, Bolton! Come on!" Troy turned around and said, waving back at them, "Why don't you tell them to come over and mix it up a little? We'll show them some game." Troy shrugged and replied, "You know, I don't think that's how they roll." Chad looked at his best friend in disbelief as he glanced at Grace and said, "That's not how they 'roll'?" Troy replied, not failing to notice the sad look on Grace's face as she looked at the ground, "No, no, no. That's not what I meant. I just think it's a closed practice. Sorry." Chad said, "Wow. Well, maybe get us a video?" Zeke noticed Grace's sad expression and whispered, coming up to her, "You okay, Gracie?" Grace only nodded as she tried to hold back tears. She had realized that Troy was changing and she didn't know if it was for the better or worse.

Zeke stared at Grace then looked at Jason who gave him a concerned look. Zeke just shrugged his shoulders at Jason as he came to him and Grace. Troy didn't respond to Chad when another U of A player called out to him, becoming impatient. Zeke then said to Troy, "But, yesterday, you promised that you would two-on-two after work before baseball." Troy walked up to Grace, attempting to get a kiss, and said, "I know. I'm sorry, man." Grace moved out of the way, flinching at the attempt of affection. Troy's heart broke when he saw a tear stray down his girlfriend's cheek. He only managed to kiss Grace's cheek then kissed the top of her forehead. Chad noticed Grace's sad expression and felt bad for her. Troy said to Zeke, going to the U of A players as he got into their car, "I know, man. I'm sorry. I gotta go." Chad scoffed and said to Zeke, then yelled at Troy, "Come on, Zeke. That was so yesterday. You know we're all a team!" Troy only sighed as he closed the door to the car and the car drove off. He looked at Grace but didn't make eye contact. Zeke came up to Grace and brought her into a hug while Jason rubbed her back. Just the thought of him making his girlfriend come to tears made Troy angry at himself. One of the U of A players noticed and said to Troy, "Was that your girl, dude?" Troy nodded and replied, "Yeah." The U of A player gave Troy a smile and said, "Don't loose her, kid. She looks like a keeper. It's a rare find nowadays to find a girl like her." Troy replied, "You can bet on it." His phone vibrated and saw a text from Grace. 'Grace- Hey, I didn't mean to snap, I just got agitated. Call me later if you get a chance. A word of advice, I suggest that you find the beat before it drags you down with it. Love you.' Troy could only stare at the text with confusion.
Soon afterwards, Grace met up with her two cousins, Kelsi, Gabbi, and Taylor. With Grace, Will, and Harry being royalty and putting their safety first (from the words of Grace's uncle), two of their bodyguards went with them and one of them was driving. The group of friends drove up to the baseball arena and met Ryan along the way. Grace smiled at Ryan and said to him, "Hey, Ryan. No rehearsals today?" Ryan shrugged his shoulders and replied, "No, my sister's working on something new." He wanted to tell Grace about what his sister was up to but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Taylor chuckled and said, "So, you coming to the baseball game?" Ryan shaked his head and replied, "I'm not staff so I wasn't invited." Grace said, nudging her head to get Ryan to join them, "It's just a game, Ryan, everyone's invited. Come on, it will be fun." Ryan smiled at the girl and joined Taylor, Gabbi, and Kelsi, seeing that the golf cart with Grace and her cousins was full. Taylor said, as she drove ahead of the golf cart her royal friends was on to lead them to the baseball field, "Hold on!!"

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