Chapter 4: Royal Visitors

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At Lava Springs, everyone was rushing to get the club straightened out and cleaned once Fulton found out that they were going to have royal visitors. Of course, he knew that they already had visitors who were royal but had kept it a secret, per their request. Outside of the resort, three cars pulled up the entrance, causing all the staff to stand at attention. Grace and her family stood off to the side, knowing who it was. The cars stopped and Mr. Fulton opened the door, revealing the Prince of Wales and his two sons. He said to the Prince, "Welcome to Lava Springs, Albuquerque, Your Highness. I hope this is to your liking." Prince Charles replied, "Why, thank you, Mr. Fulton. I believe this place is very quaint. May I introduce my sons, Prince William and Prince Harry?" Prince William and Prince Harry stepped out of their limo and made their way to their father's side, standing on either side of him. Mr. Fulton bowed to the teenaged princes, causing the staff to do the same. From the sidelines, Grace smiled as she watched her uncle and cousins, making sure that she was hidden from them.

Later that afternoon, Grace was on a date with her boyfriend on the golf course since he was on break. Whenever Troy got a chance to be on a break, the couple would always meet up with each other and spend time together. A man in a suit came up to the couple as they golfed, with Grace laughing as Troy's ball missed the hole. Troy turned around and nudged Grace, who then followed in suite. The man bowed to Grace and then leaned over to whisper something in her ear. As he watched his girlfriend, Troy became concerned when he saw her facial expression change. The man bowed to Grace once more then left the couple, leaving Troy more confused and concerned. He said to his girlfriend, "What was that all about? Who was that guy?" Grace replied, with a smile, "That was my uncle's private secretary. It seems that my uncle and my cousins want to spend time with me." Troy wrapped his arms around his girlfriend's waist and said, "I'll still see you tonight, right?" Grace replied, giggling, "Of course, Troy. I gotta go, my uncle doesn't like it when I'm late." The couple hugged each other then kissed before Grace had to leave. Troy stayed back as he watched his girlfriend leave the golf course, looking very smitten.

Grace made her way onto the other side of the club and found her uncle with her cousins in the shade. She spotted her parents with Sharpay's parents on the other side of the park where she was. The girl made sure that her parents didn't see her. The girl curtsied and said to the prince, "Your Grace......" As she curtsied, Grace smiled to herself when she saw that her uncle had a newspaper covering his face, obviously deep in reading it. Charles smiled to himself and replied, "Either I must be hearing things, or is that the lovely voice of my favorite niece?" Grace laughed and said, as her uncle lowered the newspaper, "Now, Uncle Charlie, you can't choose favorites. That is frowned upon in the family." Charles stood from his chair and made his way over to his niece. He brought her into his arms, bringing her into a tight embrace. He then replied, "I can and I will, Gracie. Tell me, where is your mother?" Grace smiled and said, "She's with one of my friends' parents." The uncle and niece duo released from the hug, standing in front of each other. Charles replied, "She still doesn't like to be recognized as royalty, does she?" Grace said, "No. Sam, Alex, Andrew, and I have no problem with it. Dad just doesn't care." Charles chuckled and replied, "Well, that's Daniel for you. I suppose you're looking for Will and Harry?" Grace said, laughing, "You know it, Uncle Charlie." Charles replied, chuckling, "They're over there with their bodyguards."

Her cousins were like brothers to her even though she was younger than them. They treated her as if she was their little sister, which she didn't mind. Grace decided to sneak up behind Will first since he was just standing there, while he was watching Harry swing the golf club to hit the ball. Grace jumped on Will's back and said, startling the young prince, "Miss me?" Will let out a scream, also startling Harry, causing the red-head to let out a yelp. By this time, the trio was probably being watched but at this time, they didn't care. Will said, as he turned around to see his cousin, "Is that my favorite cousin?" Grace laughed and replied, "Yes, it's me." Will said, laughing, "You really need to take a break from scaring me like that." Grace replied, "You know I can't help myself since we hardly see each other anymore. *She saw Harry was coming up to them* Hey, Harry." Harry said, wrapping his arms around his cousin, "How have you been, little cousin?" Grace replied, "Hey, just because you're a couple years older than me, it doesn't give you the right to call me little." Will laughed at the expression of his little brother's face. He said to his brother, "You're going to have to come up with a better comeback for that one, Harry."

From across the golf course, Sharpay was with her parents and Grace's parents. Her brother was off somewhere, probably either with Gabriella or Kelsi. She saw Grace with the two princes who had came with their father. She said, grabbing Grace's parents' attention, "Is that Grace with Prince William and Prince Harry?" Katherine groaned, she knew that the press would be all over this. Daniel said to Katherine, "Katie, you might as well just come to terms with this. Grace is, so are Sam, Alex, and Andrew. You're the only one who hasn't. Will and Harry are your nephews, go greet them." Katherine just stared at her husband, as she thought about what he said. She sighed, she knew that she would get a long conversation with her parents and other siblings. The woman excused herself from her new friends and went to join her daughter and nephews. Grace was laughing with her cousins when she noticed that they were looking behind her. She turned around to see her mother coming towards them and she froze. Katherine said, with a smile, "Hello, loves."

Will bowed to his aunt, since she is his father's sister and a rank higher than him, and replied, "Hi, Aunt Katie." Harry replied to his aunt, bowing like his brother did, "Hi, Aunt Katie." Will whispered to his cousin, with a smile on his face, "I thought your mum hated being recognized as royalty." Grace whispered, "I did too." Katherine smiled and said to the teens, "I thought it was time for me to overcome that fear. It's going to happen anyway." Grace just stood there in shock and watched as her mother went over to Charles who was talking to Mr. Fulton. Harry said to his cousin, as he and his brother stand on each side of her, "Either your mum has lost her mind or she is just crazy." Will replied, "Harry, don't say that. She's a rank higher than us. She's Dad's sister." Harry said, "What? I was just stating the truth." Grace said, grabbing the two brothers' attention, "Maybe it's the latter. Dad's been trying to get her to deal with being royalty but Mum is in denial." She continued to watch her mother who was speaking with Charles. Whatever her father said to her mother, it may have worked.

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