Chapter 1: Reuniting

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The next day, Grace decided to surprise Troy and the rest of their friends. She told her mother what she wanted to do and her mother told Troy's parents about it. Troy and their friends had no idea she had returned from England. Grace walked into the Bolton residence, after being greeted by Lucille.  She turned to her boyfriend's mother and said to Lucille, "So, where are Troy, Mr. Bolton, and the others, Mrs. Bolton?" Lucille smiled at the young girl and replied, "They're outside playing basketball like usual, dear. If you want, you can hide in the laundry room until they come inside." Grace smiled and said to Lucille, "Thank you, Mrs. Bolton." The dirty-blonde haired girl then made her way to the laundry room. Once Lucille made sure that Grace was well hidden, she went back to the kitchen and started to clean up. Her husband, son, and her son's friends then walked into the kitchen. She rolled her eyes and said to them, "Can you try not to make a mess in my kitchen, please? I'd rather not spend the whole first day of summer cleaning the house again." The boys gave out a chorus of 'Yes, Mrs. Bolton' and Troy got a phone call. He grinned and said, answering the phone call, "Talk to me." His friends began to tease about how it could be Grace calling from England. The person on the other line replied, "I believe I have found an opening for you, Mr. Bolton." Troy smiled and said, "Great, Mr. Fulton, but I can only do it if you allow my friends to do it too. And there's this amazing girl..........." Jack Bolton listened to his son's conversation on the phone and turned to his son's friends. He said to them, smirking, "Whenever Grace is on the phone, he blushes. He's not blushing so it's not Grace."

In the laundry room, Grace heard what Jack said and she covered her mouth as she began to giggle. Troy had finished the phone call and turned to his mother. He looked at her and said, "Hey, Mom. When is Grace coming back from England?" Lucille looked at her son and replied, "Her parents told me that they were coming back today or tomorrow but they didn't know when exactly. Why don't you go into the laundry room? There's some of your laundry that got done from earlier." While his friends hung out in the living room, Troy headed towards the laundry room. Inside the laundry room; Grace heard footsteps, which caused her to cover her mouth with her hand, and turned off the light. Troy saw the lights get turned off, from underneath the cracks of the door, and whispered, "What the......." He opened up the door and turned on the lights, only to see Grace standing behind the doorway. She smiled and said, holding her arms out, "Miss me?!" Troy grinned and brought the girl into his arms. In the kitchen, Chad heard someone say 'Miss me?'. Feeling curious, Chad went to investigate and made his way to where he heard the shout. The teenage boy stopped in the laundry room door to see Troy hugging Grace. His mouth dropped in shock when he saw his best friend's girlfriend.

He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't dreaming and pinched himself afterwards. Grace released from her boyfriend's embrace and went over to Chad. She smiled at the shocked boy and said to him, waving her hand in front of his face, "Chad, I promise that this is not a dream. Chad? Are you okay?" She let out a shriek when Chad rushed over to her and wrapped his arms around her. She began to laugh and said, "Did you guys really miss me that much? I was only gone for a few months." Troy rolled his eyes and replied, "A few months is too long, Grace. Sharpay has been driving me crazy. She has asked nonstop about where you were." Grace sighed, she had forgotten to text Sharpay so many times and she knew that she would go after Troy while she was gone. It was not her fault, of course. Grace said to her friends, just as the other basketball team members came to welcome her back, "It was not my fault, you guys know that. In England, since I am apart of the royal family, we are not allowed to call our friends through our own devices. It's a part of protocol." Chad nodded in agreement and replied, "Also, your grandmother was ill and you were with family." Grace nodded as well and said, smiling, "Exactly." Troy grinned at Grace and said to her, "Well, that aside, I've got ourselves a summer job." Grace smiled and replied, "Let me guess, it's at Lava Springs? My parents had bought a couple rooms there so we would be spending our vacation there." Troy smiled, this summer couldn't get any better.

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