Chapter 9: Feelings Matter

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After having her date being interrupted once more, Grace went back to her resort suite and took a shower to get ready for bed. When she got out of the shower and changed into pajamas, she walked out to find her cousins. Her eyes widened slightly, startled at first. Grace crossed her arms and said to her cousins, unamused, "Okay, I want to know two things. One: what are you doing here? And two: how did you get access to my room?" Trying to avoid the questions, Will glanced at his younger brother and decided to answer Grace with a question of his own. Will smirked slightly and said, "We want to know why you came into your room an hour after curfew." Grace raised one of her eyebrows and replied, "Since when did you become so nosy and bossy?" Will continued to smirk and said, "I am your older cousin, Gracie. Now, stop trying to avoid my question." Grace rolled her eyes and replied, "I'm not going to answer any of your questions until you answer mine. What are you doing in my room at 9:30 at night? And, how did you get access to my room? If I don't get an answer in 10 seconds, I'll scream and have my parents and brothers, along with security, come running. Your time starts now." Not wanting to cause any trouble, Harry was the one to burst out with answers. He said, frantically, "Will got access from Luke and Same while we were golfing! And we want to know why you were gone so late." As he snitched, Harry had noticed that Will had watched him with an annoyed expression. Will then glared at his brother and said, sarcastically, "Gee, thanks, Harry. Glad to know you can keep a secret."

At the revelation, Grace did feel slightly annoyed but satisfied. She turned to Harry and said to him, then addressed to both of her cousins, "Thanks, Harry. I appreciate your honesty. If you're just dying to know where I was, I was with my boyfriend on a date." As she mentioned her boyfriend, Grace's cousins' mouth dropped which caused her to burst into giggles. While her family was in England during the time her grandmother was sick, she had meant to tell her other family members that she was in a relationship. Sadly, by the time she meant to, her family was getting ready to head back to Albuquerque. Regaining his composure, Will shook away from his shocked daze. He cleared his throat and said, "So, who is he? Do we know him?" Grace smiled and replied, slightly blushing, "Not yet, but you will. He's Troy Bolton, he's the captain of the East High basketball team." Harry glanced at his older brother and said, his overprotective side coming out, "Has he hurt you or anything like that, Grace?" As her thoughts went back to how her boyfriend has been doing other things and not spending time with herself or their friends, she then felt upset. Grace sighed and replied, "No." Will noticed that his younger cousin had hesitated and frowned. His eyes narrowed and said, "What has he done? Harry and I will take care of him."

Although things haven't been the same with them lately, Grace wasn't going to allow anyone to go after Troy on her own defense. She narrowed her eyes and replied, "As far as I know, Troy hasn't done anything wrong, Will. I won't let either of you go after Troy for something, even if it just missing one date." Harry looked at his cousin, shocked and annoyed, and said, "Your boyfriend missed a date?" Grace sighed, slightly saddened, and replied, "I'm sure that he had his reasons." Will and Harry noticed Grace's change of expression, due to her facial expressions. Although they weren't around each other much, the two brothers were smart enough to detect their cousin's change of emotions. Concerned for their cousin, the two brothers shared a wary glance while Will made a mental note to talk to Grace's brothers. They then turned back to look at their cousin with their eyebrows raised. Grace only rolled her eyes and ushered her cousins out of her suite, telling them "good-night" and that she would see them tomorrow.

Once her cousins had left, Grace had let out the breath she didn't even know she was holding during the time she and her cousins were talking about her boyfriend. The girl closed the door behind her and slid down, her back on the door.  Although she did love her cousins, she did find them annoying at times, as well as overbearing. She smiled to herself as she thought that, they were almost like her brothers. However, Grace's smile fell when she realized what both her best friends had said about Troy. Were they really drifting apart? Were they bound to break up? She didn't want it to end that way but if this keeps going the way it is, they may have to say goodbye. The girl shook away her thoughts, not wanting to dwell on them, and went to the bed, settling down. She slightly jumped when her phone went off, Troy's ringtone going off. Grace slightly smiled to herself and went to read what Troy had sent her. Troy- 'Loving and missing you. Hope to see you around tomorrow! Love you, princess! 👑😘' Grace smiled then replied to the text. Grace- 'Love and miss you too. We'll have to see what tomorrow brings. Love you too, wildcat! 🦁😘' After reading her boyfriend's text message, Grace sat her phone down with a small smile and snuggled into the blankets, drifting off into a blissful slumber.
After having another date with Grace being ruined, Troy decided to head back to his house since it was a close drive from there to the resort. His dad, Jack Bolton, had asked him to help him with his truck, giving him the opportunity for a father-son bonding session. Troy was slightly annoyed with the day's events from having to be with Sharpay and her family to his date being ruined. He was frustrated that he hadn't been able to have one moment alone with Grace. It felt like his summer wasn't going the way he thought it would be. Troy said to his dad, "Sharpay's dad let me play a few holes with them and invited me to dinner with some of U and A alumni. I also saw Grace with her family." Jack looked up at his son and said, "Really? How's Grace doing? Your mom and her mom were talking to each other on the phone about Grace's uncle and step-aunt and cousins were there." Troy shrugged his shoulders and replied, "I suppose she's doing okay. We haven't really been around a lot since the start of these jobs. The U of A alumni were talking about scholarships while Jason and Chad were, like, serving me."

Jack said, taking the wrench his son gave him, "You have to remember, Troy, that they're getting paid for it. It's called a job, nothing wrong with that. About Grace, you need to try harder. Soon, she'll think that you're avoiding her and she'll take it wrong. I don't want you to lose her, she's a keeper." Troy replied, "I don't know, it just felt weird. I don't plan on it, Dad. I love Grace." He really did love Grace, with all of his heart. Troy didn't know what he would do if he had lost her.
Jack nodded at his son, he knew that Troy must've felt awkward and disappointed that he wasn't spending time with his friends and girlfriend as he expected. It was just the way of life, especially after high school.  Jack said, "I love that you've got the team working together, but you're not going to be a Wildcat forever. The team is now, and that's......It's good but everybody's got their own futures." Troy stared at his father in confusion and replied, "I'm not sure what you mean, Dad." Jack said, "Well when you graduate, lots of people are gonna be chasing the same opportunities. Let's take Grace for example. There's a huge possibility that she and her family will leave for England when she and her brothers graduate. She will have to take up royal responsibilities to take her place as a royal. There's nothing wrong with keeping your eye on the prize, son. In fact, if you don't, you get left behind." Troy nodded and replied, "Yeah, I know, I'm just saying. I didn't get my friends jobs at the club so they can sit and watch me eat in the dining room." Jack said, "You know, I'm just saying never be ashamed of attention, as long as you've earned it. You know, a scholarship's special, that's why there's only a few to go around." Troy replied, slightly feeling the urge to roll his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, I get it, Dad." Jack decided to change the subject and grinned. He said, "So, how's the food at the club?" Troy replied, grinning, "Insanely good." Jack then placed the hood of the truck down and tossed the keys to Troy. Troy caught the keys in shock and said, "Really, Dad?" Jack nodded and replied, "Yeah, you didn't really think that I was m going to fix this heap thing and use it for nothing, did you? Take it for a spin." Troy cheered as he went to get into the truck, "Yes!!" Jack laughed at his son's excitement and headed inside.

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