Chapter 2: Lava Springs

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After reuniting with her friends and having a party to welcome her family back, Grace and her family had decided to spend most of their summer at Lava Springs. After learning that is where most of her friends would be working, Grace couldn't be more excited. However, since her parents had a membership there, she wouldn't be working with them. Worried about their secret being revealed, Grace's parents had told Mr. Fulton about it and asked him to not to tell anyone. Their limousine then pulled into front of the resort, pulling to a stop. Some of the staff members rushed to open the door and helped with unloading the family's luggage. Grace walked out of the limousine first and smiled at the environment around her.

Grace's brothers then got out of the limousine, 
followed by her parents. Katherine smiled and said to her husband and children, "Isn't this lovely? Are you guys ready to have some fun?" Grace grinned and replied to her mother, "I'm just ready to spend some time with my friends." Sam smirked at his sister and said, "No doubt with Bolton too." Grace glared at her older brother and shoved him, causing him to laugh. Mr. Fulton walked out of the building and said to the Andersons, "I can't tell you how shocked I was when I heard you, were, well....
you know." Katherine smiled and replied, "With all due respect, you have no idea how hard it is for us not to tell anyone about it." Mr. Fulton smiled at Katherine and said, "Indeed, I do not, Mrs. Anderson. I do hope that you and your family enjoy your stay. How about a tour?"
Mr. Fulton gave Grace and her family a tour of the resort, causing Grace to bump into Sharpay and Ryan along the way. After she talked to the twin brother and sister, Grace then decided that she wanted to take a dip in the pool, oblivious that Sharpay still had a thing for her boyfriend. In her personal suite, Grace put on her swimming suit and grabbed her bag then headed towards the pool, followed by her twin brother. Grace squealed when she saw Gabriella and ran over to her, causing Gabriella to run over to her. Andrew watched from the sidelines, smiling at his sister's reunion with her best friend. He decided to give her some space before going off to look for their other friends. The girls embraced each other then released after a few minutes. Gabriella held Grace's arms at arms length and said to her friend, "You never told me that you were back from England!" Grace laughed and replied, "We arrived yesterday but you know that I can't talk to you guys through my own devices. Protocol and such." Gabriella nodded in understanding and said, as she and Grace walked along the side of the pool, "So, how is your grandmother doing? And the rest of your family?" Grace replied, "Nana is doing much better, thank you. It just turned out to be a stomach bug and the flu. The rest of the family are relieved to know that we didn't have to deal with a funeral or crowning ceremony." Gabrielle nodding in understanding, she knew how much Grace dreaded to see her mother get the throne since Katherine was Queen Elizabeth the 2nd's second child. Grace looked at Gabrielle's swimming suit and said, "So, I suppose that you're the new lifeguard?" Gabrielle nodded with a smile and replied, "Yeah. Your boyfriend was very generous with getting us summer jobs." Grace just shrugged her shoulders and said, "Well, he's Troy so I can't say anything about it. I'm going to take a swim. If you don't mind, can you put my bags next to that lounge chair that closer to the pool, please?"

While Gabriella went to put her friend's bags on a lounge chair, Grace jumped off the ledge and into the pool. (AN: While all this is going on, Sharpay is singing with Ryan and her posse) Grace rose from underwater and spotted Troy coming towards the pool with his friends. With Troy, Troy walked into the pool area with his friends and spotted his girlfriend rising from underneath water. He smiled and waved at her, causing her to smile and wave at him back. Sharpay noticed this and said, while her posse and brother sang, "Not!" She didn't know that she was at the edge of the pool and she accidentally fell into the pool backwards, letting out a shriek. Grace went to go help Sharpay, just as Gabriella jumped into the pool and swam over. Sharpay screamed the whole time and Grace, along with Gabriella, tried to calm Sharpay down. Sharpay turned to look at Gabrielle and said to her, glaring, "What are you doing here?!" Gabriella smiled and replied, "I'm the new lifeguard." Troy took this time to kneel down at the edge of the pool and said to Sharpay, shocked to see her, "Wait, are you a member here?" Sharpay huffed and threw her arms onto the water, splashing a bit. Troy and his friends laughed as Sharpay swam away. He turned to look at Grace and winked at her, smiling. Grace just shaked her head with a smile and went back underwater.

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