Chapter 16: Grandmother Advice

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In England, Grace was in her tutoring lessons when she received another text from her friends back in Albuquerque. She left without seeing goodbye and it was really tearing her apart. Her tutor noticed her saddened state and said to her, "We will continue this lesson another time, Your Highness." Grace looked at her tutor with shock but nodded. She gathered her stuff and left the room. The young girl walked around the castle grounds, alone with her thoughts. Her heart was still broken about having to leave Troy and the way she left things. She didn't realize that she was being watched. From afar, Katherine stood next to her mother as she watched her daughter walk the castle grounds. She sighed and said to her mother, "Oh, Mummy. I wish it didn't happen this way. She loved Albuquerque and that boy so much." Elizabeth 2nd replied, "Allow me to talk to her. Grandmother to granddaughter." Katherine nodded, if anyone could figure out what was going with her daughter, it would be her mother. She stayed behind and watched her mother walk over to her daughter. Grace took a seat at the water fountain the palace had in the palace gardens and looked at her reflection. She frowned at her reflection, seeing her sadness reflecting back at her. The young girl saw her grandmother's reflection next to her and she turned to see her grandmother next to her. Elizabeth 2nd gave her granddaughter a comforting smile and said to her, "How are you, dear?" Grace sighed sadly and replied, "I feel miserable, Granny. I left my friends without saying goodbye and I left......a friend who I was close with heartbroken." Elizabeth 2nd nodded and said, "Your mother told me about that boy, my dear. *Grace's eyes widened* I am not going to keep you away from the ones you love, Gracie. It's true that he is not of royal status but you love him and he loves you and that's all that matters to me." Grace replied, "But, Granny......the royal protocol......" Elizabeth 2nd scoffed with a smile and said, "To hell with protocol. They can't do anything without my approval. You're my granddaughter and your happiness is one of my top priorities."

Grace was about to respond but her phone went off, interrupting her. She answered her phone, after getting permission from her grandmother, and smiled when it was Will and Harry, along with Ryan and Gabbi. Grace smiled and said, "Hi, everyone. *Her smile fell when she saw Ryan and Gabbi* Ryan, Gabbi. I am so sorry ......I didn't know what I was thinking......I..." Gabbi replied, on the other line, "You don't have to apologize, Gracie. You did what you had to do for you." Ryan nodded in agreement and said to his friend, "She's right, Grace. Just so you know, I went off on Sharpay for what she said and she totally feels bad about it now." Grace gave her friends a small smile and said to them, moving her FaceTime camera to her grandmother, "Oh, just so you know, my grandmother is right here." Gabbi and Ryan's eyes widened and their mouths dropped. Harry   burst out laughing at his two friends' reactions. Will slightly glared at his brother and said to his grandmother, bowing his head to her, "Hello, Granny." Elizabeth 2nd smiled and said to her grandsons, then said to her granddaughter's friends, "Hello, William, Harry. Hello, Gabbi and Ryan. Grace has told me a lot about you." Gabbi regained her composure and said, curtsying as best as she could, "Your Majesty, it is an honor." Elizabeth 2nd chuckled and replied, then said to Grace, "The honor is all mine, dear one. *She placed her hand on her granddaughter's shoulder* I'll give you some time alone." Grace smiled and replied, "Thank you, Granny." She turned back to her phone and said to her friends and cousins, "I know you guys wouldn't have called out of the blue. What's going on?" Will replied to Grace, "We want you to come back to Albuquerque, Grace." Ryan continued for Will, "We have a plan to get the talent show right back on track and you and Troy are going to be singing your song." Grace sighed and said, "I don't know if Troy wants to talk to me after the way I left." Gabbi scoffed and replied, "That is a lie, girlfriend. He misses you. You should see him right now. He looks like a sad puppy." Ryan continued, "The rest of the gang already knows and they're preparing for it right now." Grace said, "But, what about Fulton and Sharpay?" Ryan smirked and replied, "Leave them to me. You just get here as fast as you can." Gabbi said, while Will and Harry grinned at each other, "Oh, wear something white and blue." Grace nodded and turned to look at her grandmother and mother. The two women looked at her and she nodded, smiling.

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