t h i r t y - s i x

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Daniel stood nervously at an airport terminal, hands wringing as he looked impatiently for his girlfriend. A glance at his watch told him her flight was late, and with her being in the air, it wasn't exactly like he could call and ask what the hold up was. He hummed a song under his breath, one they were releasing soon that he couldn't get out of his head. Part of it had been written with Amaya in mind- not that she needed to know that.

"C'mon, Mays," he murmured softly, beginning to get more worried than anything. He picked up his phone, going to check her flight information, when he got slammed into, arms flying around his neck.


He stumbled back, trying to catch his own weight as well as the other person's. It was only after he got oriented that he realized it was in fact his girlfriend hanging onto him.

"Hey, babe." His arms wrapped around her waist, and when she pulled back from where her face was nuzzled in his neck, he gave her a warm kiss on the lips.

"I really missed you," she sighed as she looped her arm with his, allowing him to lead the way out of the airport. They were in New York, three shows there meaning they had an extended stay. It was because of this stay that Amaya agreed to come visit, after much begging from Daniel- and a long conversation with Zach. Surprisingly, Zach had become her confidante over the past few months, as Corbyn had pulled more toward Jonah.

"You saw me like two weeks ago," Daniel reminded her.

"I know, I know. Your fans are... insane. They figured out we were together just from the pattern of trees in our posts."

"How do you know that?" He raised an eyebrow, glancing at her as they exited the airport. He moved to hold her hand, swinging them between them.

"Mary Kate. And Kay, weirdly enough. Both of them follow some drama accounts for y'all." She scoffed, and Daniel laughed, eyes rolling.

"Yeah, that makes sense."

He opened the passenger side door for her, taking her bag and putting it in the backseat. She slid inside the car, closing the door behind her as he jogged around and got into the driver's seat.

It was after they got onto the highway, Daniel's GPS pulled up and the radio playing quietly, that they started up a conversation again.

"Jack's really excited to see you."

"He is?" Amaya's eyebrows furrowed, and she glanced at him curiously.

"Yeah. He didn't tell me why, but they all love you, so I can probably come up with a thousand reasons why."

"You're cute." She shook her head, and his free hand came to hold hers in the middle of their seats, where he quickly pressed a kiss to the top of her hand.

"I think that's all you, Mays."

She rolled her eyes, changing the subject as she looked down at her phone. "So... do we want to tell people I'm here?"

"That's up to you, I would think." He glanced at her from the corner of his eye, noticing the look on her face. "What's the matter?"

"We cheated, and people are assholes, you know? Like, no matter how much I admit I'm in the wrong, they still talk shit about me."

"It's just amplified because you're dating me," he replied with a sigh. "If neither of us were famous, it'd still be fucked up, but less public."


Amaya fell quiet, turning her gaze put the window. She watched the chaotic city go by, lights blurring together. Her mind sped along with the city, unable to reconcile with herself. If she made it known she was in New York with the boys, it showed she and Jonah were good, but it only reminded people of her transgressions. If she didn't make it known, she was going to be called a liar and even worse. Either way, she would be called a cheat- which was true.

Finally, her head turned back toward Daniel, a warm smile on her lips.

"I don't mind if people know I'm here. I love you, and I want to spend time with you. They can get over themselves."

"You sure?" His thumb rubbed circles into the back of her hand.

"I'm sure." She leaned over, kissing his cheek softly before slipping onto her phone.

📍 New York City, New York

amayablinn: boyfriend shit 💋

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amayablinn: boyfriend shit 💋

[ tagged: seaveydaniel ]

liked by jonahmarias, marykatelin, christian_seavey, and 59,492 others

user: this is bold omg

usera: wow you're really putting it out there that you're a cheater huh

userb: cute 😍

marykatelin: hell yeah bestie i'm happy for you
userc: marykatelin you're really enabling her? what the hell.
marykatelin: userc i'm not enabling anything. mays and i talked about this in detail. i'm allowed to hold my friends accountable and be their friends all the same.

userd: please shut the fuck up and disappear!!

usere: k word yourself or i'll do it for you 🥰

userf: you're beautiful omg

userg: it's fucked up but i've shipped this from day one

corbynbesson: soooo excited to hug you again bestie
amayablinn: corbynbesson i love you so fucking much omg 💛


happy new year!! i finally got around to posting a decent chapter! i think we'll be wrapping up this book soon ?? who's to say!

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