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Daniel didn't think it was possible for someone to scream that loud, but he was wrong.

"Mary Kate!"

Daniel had to stop himself from plugging his ears as the two best friends ran into each other's arms, drawing the attention of quite a few passersby. He stood behind Amaya with his hands shoved in his pockets, keeping a close eye on their bags— Amaya had flung hers to the ground the moment she saw her best friend, and Daniel knew she'd be upset if it got misplaced or stolen, even if it was her fault.

The two girls bounced up and down as they caught up briefly, partly knowing they'd be able to for the next week. Amaya's gaze caught onto Daniel, and she clapped her hands over her mouth, letting out a shrill, "Shit, I'm so sorry!"

She turned to Mary Kate, offering a sheepish smile. "MK, this is Daniel Seavey, one of my favorite people in the world. Dani, this is Mary Kate, one of my other favorite people in the world." She turned her attention back to Daniel as he gave a small wave to Mary Kate, explaining, "We're staying with my aunt since my family always does, but Mary Kate lives right across the street, so we'll be seeing her all the time."

"Well, it's nice to meet you." Daniel smiled, and Mary Kate nodded back at him, tugging Amaya towards the door.

"C'mon, your mom's so excited to see you. I had to talk her out of coming to get you."

Amaya rolled her eyes dramatically as she made eye contact with Daniel, who let out a soft laugh as she grabbed his hand, making sure they wouldn't get separated in the crowd. Damn, this would be a long day.

Daniel felt a little out of place as Amaya dragged him into her aunt's home, a smile on her lips as she dropped her bag and hugged her mother.

"Momma! I've missed you!" Amaya grinned, stepping back. "You remember Daniel, right?"

Her mother looked at him for a long moment before nodding, a side of her lips lifting.

"It's nice to see you again, Daniel. I heard you were coming to experience an actual Canadian family. Well, we'll surely give that to you."

Daniel nodded, thanking her before looking at Amaya. "I'm gonna go put up our bags."

"Oh, here, I'll show you the way." Amaya kissed her mother's cheek before picking up her own bag, heading up the stairs.

This would be fun, Daniel decided. Amaya was excited to be home, but she wanted to show him around— she'd told him so on the plane. So it would be fun. He was sure of it.

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amayablinn: maybe, just maybe, i missed the cold

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amayablinn: maybe, just maybe, i missed the cold

[tagged: seaveydaniel]

liked by jonahmarais, marykatelin, mommawills, and 53.7k others

usera: b a b y

userb: ugh we LOVE daniel taking her pics!!

userc: i am in love with you

userd: that awkward moment when your boyfriend's best friend goes on holiday with you

jonahmarais: i love you & your love for snow
amayablinn: jonahmarais i love you so much omg

usere: you're SO pretty holy shit

userf: you're so cute

seaveydaniel: glad i'm a good photographer :)
amayablinn: seaveydaniel you're wonderful!

userf: 😍😍😍😍

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