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wdwdramaroom: amaya and jonah have unfollowed each other

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wdwdramaroom: amaya and jonah have unfollowed each other. she still follows everyone else.


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wdwdramaroom: jonah deleted all of his photos with amaya

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wdwdramaroom: jonah deleted all of his photos with amaya. she did the same and also took his initials out of her bio. is there a breakup in the works?

amayablinn: y'all won't leave well enough alone so here's a little positive reminder for you <3 i'm posting a video later tonight to address all the rumors

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amayablinn: y'all won't leave well enough alone so here's a little positive reminder for you <3 i'm posting a video later tonight to address all the rumors.

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amaaaya just posted a video!

coming clean

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coming clean... | amaya williams

(turn on closed captioning?)

(closed captioning on!)

(there's no intro, instead the video starts directly with amaya in front of the camera. she appears to be in a hotel room, and she runs a hand through her hair before speaking.)

uh, hi guys... i never expected to make a video like this, but life has a funny way of changing all the time. and those of you who are why don't we fans are ridiculously astute and are always aware of changes, so this seemed the easiest way to just... clear up everything.

(amaya sighs, biting her lip.)

jonah and i broke up... because i cheated on him. i'm not going to defend my actions at all. it was wrong. jonah deserves so much better. i fell out of love with him, and instead of telling him, i snuck around and deceived him. i'll spend the rest of my life trying to make that up to him somehow, but for now, we aren't speaking. we're not friends, just two people who used to date. it's what jonah wants, and i'm not going to hurt him any more than i already have.

(she pauses, shaking her head.)

so everything you've been saying, that i'm selfish, awful, a cheater, and a liar... it's all true. and i deserve those words. they're exactly who i've been. and i'm sorry, truly, to anyone who is hurt or betrayed by my actions, especially those i love. your support means everything to me, and i— well, i fucked up. so do what you have to do.

um, that's it, i guess. i'm not saying who i cheated with because it's not my place. i'm the one at fault. so. bye.

(the video ends abruptly, clearly not having been edited.)

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