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amayablinn: touch my soul from the outside💕

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amayablinn: touch my soul from the outside💕

liked by seaveydaniel, kaycookk, marykatelin, and 382,404 others

user: QUEEN

usera: slut

userb: hope you die :) no one will miss you :)

userc: dumb bitch

userd: so you're really posting like you didn't ruin wdw's lives... didn't know you were that stupid

usere: hate your guts and i bet daniel and jonah do too

userf: LOL daniel didn't even stay with you that long dumb slut. ruined two lives for NOTHING.

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wdw.drama.tea: daniel was dancing at a club with someone tonight... and that someone was not amaya. looks like his 'in love' comment didn't last 🤔

liked by amayablinn and 2,577 others

userg: oh SHIT amaya liked this

userh: sucks to be amaya but she deserves it

useri: lol once a relationship ruiner always a relationship ruiner

userj: wish i wasn't surprised lol


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wdw.drama.tea: amaya tweeted & deleted this last night.

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