t h i r t y - s e v e n

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"So uh, we may or may not have just dropped a new album," Daniel said into his mic, the crowd roaring in excitement. Amaya stood in the wings right off the stage, happy to have a front row seat without any of the comments or looks fans would inevitably give her. It was exhausting, being stuck between knowing she was morally in the wrong and not being able to change it. They wanted her to regret it, but she didn't regret Daniel, not for a moment. She was happy. She was in love. All she regretted was hurting Jonah. But she couldn't take it back, so she let her eyes rest on Daniel again.

"You guys have been insane about it," Corbyn continued, "and we couldn't be more excited to be able to perform it for you. This one is called Love Song."

The crowd died down, and Daniel started singing, his eyes drifting to Amaya with a grin. "I wrote another love song, baby, about you, I've written one for every second without you..."

Amaya met his grin, doing a little dance around the small area she'd claimed. He had showed her this song ages ago, when it was barely a fragment of anything other than a teenage boy musing. Now, it was so much more. So much more for the both of them.

Before they knew it, the show was over, and Amaya had retreated back into the tour bus, waiting for the boys. She had learned a while ago to stay away from the fans after shows; they tended to go look for the boys, and Amaya... well, she didn't want their harassment.

After a while, they started trickling in, Jack first, Zach last. Jack all but swung her around the small space in a hug, grinning.

"I'm so glad you're here, May. You should stay a while."

"Should I?" She raised an eyebrow curiously. "I don't want to invoke anyone's wrath..."

"You mean Jonah's wrath."

"I mean the fans, actually."

Jack laughed as he moved to the kitchen, pouring himself a drink and offering one to her. Something quick and fruity, and she accepted, sipping her own. Jack turned to rest against the counter, a hand propping him up lightly. Amaya settled herself on top of it across from him.

"They'll calm down when they realize he loves you. And that Jonah forgives you."

"Does he, really?"

"He says he does." Jack shrugged, and Amaya sighed, biting her lip.

"Yeah, I know. I just feel..."

"Guilty. You feel guilty. It's okay, Amaya. To feel guilty. It means you have a soul, and a conscious. It means you have room to grow."

"Jack... I adore you." She grinned, shaking her head. She was lucky to be his friend, truly. No matter what, he'd always been there. She was lucky for that.

"Yeah, I adore you too. Hey, want to see new pictures of Lav?"

"Always. I miss her cutie pie self."

Jack grinned, moving to show her the pictures, the two of them fawning over his daughter until the others filed in.

jackaverymusic: vibey ☀️

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jackaverymusic: vibey ☀️

amayablinn: alexa play oath by cher lloyd!!

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amayablinn: alexa play oath by cher lloyd!!


yoooo it's been a minute... sorry i disappeared! life has been an absolute shitshow here recently. college got busy, i lost a grandparent, got a new tattoo, started a new job... but here is a long awaited update :)

i might post a jack fic next <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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