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can't believe daniel was thinking about amaya when writing fallin'... knowing jonah was too

hanna is fallin
sooooo daniel's been quiet... do we think management yelled at him

my heart is with jonah right now, i really hope he's doing okay

daniel really fucked up and i'm so disappointed. better not give a shitty notes app apology

okay can we talk about how amaya cheated on jonah with his best friend though?? that's so messed up & she's responsible for anything that happens now.

"once a whore you're nothing more i'm sorry that'll never change" paramore said it best 🥰 amayablinn

Amaya sighed, throwing her phone on her bed as she wiped away a stray tear. She'd been seeing the steady stream of tweets and Instagram comments coming from fans since Daniel decided to reveal his side of the story.

It'd been a week, and she still couldn't believe he'd done that. She'd flown back to Los Angeles that night, and she hadn't answered a single call or text from anyone Why Don't We affiliated. It was exhausting and difficult, but she knew she needed to. She needed to distance herself from them to salvage Daniel's reputation. She needed to take a break from everything and everyone. So she did. Her days had been spent watching shitty cooking shows and eating takeout. She hadn't posted anything anywhere, and it was relieving. As it was now, she was sitting on her couch, an oversized college sweater and a blanket keeping her warm even though it wasn't that cold at all. She was watching Chopped reruns, content to eat pad thai and go to bed early.

But then there was a knock. A firm knock on her front door, and she started, looking at it in confusion. Amaya chose to ignore it, but a moment later, the knock came again. Groaning, she got up, going to answer the door. On the other side stood Zach, looking slightly guilty.

"Zach?" She furrowed her eyebrows, and he offered a sheepish smile, looking her up and down before stating, "You look like hell."

"You're not supposed to be in California," was her only response, arms crossing. He nodded, teetering on his heels.

"Can I come in?"

"Uh, yeah." She stepped aside, and he walked in, closing the door behind him. "You're not going to call me an adulterous whore or anything, are you?"

"I didn't plan on it, no." Zach laughed, making his way to the living room and plopping himself on the couch all too familiarly. "I can't stay for long. I have to catch a flight back for the show."

"Right." She hesitantly perched herself on the armrest of the couch, curiosity gleaming in her eyes. "Why are you here? Not that I don't love to see you, but with everything..."

"Yeah. Look, Ames, it's been rough. Daniel got chewed out by management and is on a tight leash. Jonah's fucking devastated, even if he won't show it. And Jack, Corbyn, and I are really not loving the tension between them. You need to pick up the phone and talk to them."

"Jonah doesn't want to talk to me, and I don't want to talk to Daniel, so no thanks." She shook her head, adjusting the bun she'd messily thrown her hair into. Zach sighed.

"Jonah does want to talk to you, he's just too stubborn to admit it. He needs that closure, and you're the only one who can give him that. If you actually loved him how you say you did, then you need to tell him that. As for Daniel? He's willing to throw away his career for you, Amaya. He's wanted this for his entire life, and he's willing to give it up for you. You at least owe it to him to tell him if you don't want to be with him."

"I do want to be with him!" She defended, shooting him a glare. "I just don't want him to choose me over his career."

"So tell him that, Mays."

"Do I have to?" She sighed, and he nodded, moving closer to her. His hand went to her shoulder, squeezing it lightly.

"Yes. You need to be as honest with both of them as you can and as soon as you can."

She hesitated but nodded. "Okay. Hey, when did you get so wise?" She shoved him slightly, and he laughed.

"When my friends started acting like kids. Hey, is that takeout?" He leaned over her, grabbing her carton off the coffee table.

"And they're the kids." She laughed, rolling her eyes at him.

For the next hour or so, they watched shitty cooking shows and ate takeout together before Zach had to go. She gave him one of the tightest hugs she could muster, and then he was off, both of them promising things they intended to keep.

And when Zach showed up for the show at the last minute, much more cheerful than he was earlier in the day, it seemed like things were looking up.


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amayablinn: sun always comes after rain ☀️

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amayablinn: sun always comes after rain ☀️

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