e i g h t e e n

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Why were they so comfortable? Amaya felt awful at her ease with Daniel. They were two nights into tour, and she was sitting next to him at the dinner table, Jonah on her other side. Her hand was clasped with Jonah's under the table as she laughed along with a joke Corbyn made. She felt disgusting. It was one thing to have a crush on her best friend and not act on it, but it was a completely different story for her to have a crush and have sex with her best friend, not once, but twice. Holy shit, what was she doing?

"Hey, babe, are you okay?" Jonah leaned over to whisper in her ear, and she turned her attention to him, putting on a smile.

"Yeah, of course I am. Why?"

"You zoned out, is all. I was checking in." He squeezed her hand lightly, and she squeezed back, leaning into him slightly.

She turned her attention back to the conversation at hand, which had turned to the new Animal Crossing game that they were all obsessed with. It was really cute, honestly. All the boys had each other's player ids, and they often stayed up on the bus playing together. God, she loved them.

Which was exactly why she didn't want to ruin this dynamic. She couldn't tear apart Daniel and Jonah's friendship, she just couldn't. Not to mention, if they fell out, it would make the other boys have to pick sides. And Amara just couldn't do that to them, she couldn't.

And then Daniel's hand touched her leg, and she paused, glancing over at him as discreetly as she could manage. He was still animatedly involved in the conversation, not even paying her any mind. So she decided not to react either, engaging Jack in conversation when he tired of their game talk. Everything was going back to normal, wasn't it?

And then Daniel's hand inched up, and Amara wiggled, trying not to hit Jonah's hand that was intertwined with hers. Daniel was being reckless, and she was still in a relationship. This was so dangerous.

She confronted him later that night, when everyone was in the common room part of the bus. He had just gotten out of the shower, and she was laying in her bunk, poking her head out when she heard him rustling his curtain.

"Daniel," she hissed, and he peered down into her bunk, raising an eyebrow.

"What's up, Mays?"

"Don't 'what's up, Mays' me!" she exclaimed in a hushed tone, glaring at him. He laughed, running a hand through his damp hair but giving no response. "That little... trick! you played at dinner was rude."

"What trick?"

"Daniel, don't be coy. When you put your..." she hushed her voice, "hand on my leg! What the hell?"

"My hand brushed your leg, it happens."

"It doesn't, and you know it. You're reckless as hell, Daniel. You know better! Jonah was right there."

"Mays, take a breath. I'm being careful. I'm not doing anything that would endanger either of us. We won't get caught."

"Lower! Your voice!" she hissed, snacking his leg gently. He gave her a look that was somehow both amusement and attraction, and she smacked him again, glaring. "You aren't funny!"

"Well, I think I'm hilarious."

"Oh, of course you do." She huffed, and he shrugged, looking toward the common room, where laughter abounded.

"Do you want to watch a movie?"

"You don't want to be with the boys?" she raised an eyebrow.

"No, tomorrow's a travel day so we'll have plenty of time. But we could continue our B99 watch if you wanted..." he trailed off, giving her the signature Daniel grin. Amaya glowered, but she nodded.

"You know how I can't refuse the offer of Jake Peralta."

"I know you can't. That's why I asked. Make popcorn and meet on my bunk in five?"

"Of course, Dani." She laughed softly, ducking out of her bunk to stretch. As she walked toward the little kitchen area they had, she squeezed Jonah's hand, earning a smile from him.

She would figure out her feelings for Daniel, realize they were fleeting, and go back to a normal life with Jonah, the love of her life. Simple, right? So simple. She could do it. She would.

amayablinn: current mood bc daniel and i stayed up watching b99 + zach wakes up hella early

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amayablinn: current mood bc daniel and i stayed up watching b99 + zach wakes up hella early

liked by seaveydaniel, imzachherron, marykatelin, and 200,454 others

usera: this is a MOOD.

marykatelin: come home so we can watch parks together 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
amayablinn: marykatelin baby we've talked about this, download netflix party!!

userb: omg you watch b99!!!!

userc: this friendship >>>>

userd: i would die for jake peralta
amayablinn: userd FELT THAT!

usere: yall cute

imzachherron: sorry for waking you up 😬🥺
amayablinn: imzachherron sorry for threatening you over coffee 😬🥺👉🏻👈🏻

userf: ❤❤❤

userg: so did they share a bunk??
userh: userg they probably watched on one but my aunt works for them + said she has her own bunk on the bus!

jonahmarais: babe be nice to zach 😂😂
amayablinn: jonahmarais bite me!

useri: jonah and amaya flirting >>>

seaveydaniel: my b,,, but the s4 finale tho????
amayablinn: seaveydaniel i KNOW!!! so worth it tbh

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