t w e n t y - s e v e n

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"We can't keep this up much longer," Amaya said softly, looking up at a half dressed Daniel as he shrugged his shirt back on. He looked down at her where she laid on his bed, propped up by a hand.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, us." She motioned in between them. "If we want to be something real, then we've got... we've got to come clean. Soon. I think Jonah's suspicious."

"I mean, we haven't exactly been discreet," Daniel replied with a laugh, tossing Amaya's shirt at her.

"Yeah, and that's the problem. The fans think I'm this evil bitch, and Jonah will too if I don't tell him first. I just... I need to, okay?"

She shrugged on her shirt, sliding out from the covers and going to wrap her arms around his waist. This time, he looked down at her with a small sigh, his arms going around her as well.

"Okay. Tell Jonah. I'll be here however you need."

"Thank you." She pressed a kiss to his lips, practically beaming as she pulled back. "I love you."

Her eyes went wide, and she stepped away, eyes closing in embarrassment. "I... am so sorry. Wow. That just kind of... slipped."

"Amaya, it's okay. Hey." He lifted her chin up with his pointer finger, and she slowly opened her eyes to meet his gaze. "I love you too."

She broke out into a smile, giving him a deep kiss before stepping back once more. "Well, now I really need to talk to Jonah. Would it be stupid of me to do it now?"

"Well, no, but do you know what you're gonna say?" He raised an eyebrow at her, and she gave a determined nod.

"Yeah. The truth."

Later that night, Amaya was sitting in the room she shared with Jonah, knee bouncing as she anxiously waited for him to get out of the shower. So much could go wrong here, and she just wanted it to be as easy as possible. It was selfish of her, but so was everything she'd been doing these past months. He deserved better than she'd been giving him. So all she could do was be honest and take the fallout that came from her decisions.

Jonah eventually stepped out of the bathroom, pulling on pajamas before he looked over at her.

"You look tense," he commented.

"Come sit down," she replied, patting the bed next to her. Jonah laughed, shaking his head.

"I'm okay. In fact, I think I know what you're going to say."

"I highly doubt that." Amaya raised an eyebrow at him, her words sounding just as anxious as she was.

"I don't. You're sleeping with Daniel." His words were blunt, matter-of-fact, and Amaya's eyes widened as he spoke.


"Don't deny it. I see how you look at each other. It's how you used to look at me."

"Jonah, I'm so sorry—"

"Good for you." He'd never been so... cold. But Amaya knew she deserved it. She had ruined their relationship, broken his trust. That was the issue. He was allowed to react however he needed, and she couldn't get mad because she had done this.

"So, to be clear, we're not together anymore," he said after her silence permeated the room, and she nodded. He continued, "I won't tell anyone why, but they'll figure it out eventually, so you might want to think about how you'll handle it."

"Yeah, you're right. Jonah, I really am so sorry. I should have been honest with you the moment my feelings shifted." Her eyes bore into him, but he didn't meet her gaze. He didn't want her to see the tears in his eyes.

"You can't change the past, no matter how much you want to." He cleared his throat, glancing at her. "I'm gonna switch rooms with Daniel. I'll be with Zach. All the band needs to know for now is that we broke up."

"Yeah, okay." Amaya wrapped her arms around her middle as she watched Jonah pack up his things and leave. Even though her feelings were gone, she couldn't help the hurt she felt. She missed him already, and it wasn't fair, and it shouldn't have been. She was being so incredibly selfish, she knew it, she did. But she still felt all of it anyway.

Thirty minutes later, Daniel would step into the room, watching her with a sad smile. She had curled up in the bed, blankets around her as she sobbed into a pillow. Silently, he slipped behind her, holding her closely. He stroked her hair, shaking his head.

"I know, Mays. I know."


the long awaited chapter!!! this was going to be more explosive initially but then i reworked my plot so :)

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