t w e n t y - s i x

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amayablinn: let's just fall in love for the hell of it 💕📷: corbynbesson

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amayablinn: let's just fall in love for the hell of it 💕
📷: corbynbesson

liked by seaveydaniel, kaycookk, tatedoll, and 90,303 others

user: omfg you're so cute

usera: we get it, you're friends with the boys. now go away!

userb: not even that pretty hope jonah drops you 😘

corbynbesson: ayyyyy got that photo cred
amayablinn: corbynbesson don't flatter yourself dork

userc: wait this is actually so cute

userd: please don't tell me sis is breaking up corbrina or i'll fight
usere: buddy i hate to break it to you but... corbyn is allowed to have friends...

userf: 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


jackaverymusic: the color coordination >>>>>
amayablinn: jackaverymusic love you, dumb boy

kaycookk: 😍😍😍😍
↳ amayablinn: kaycookk 🥰🥰

userh: clout chaser !!

useri: ugly bitch

userj: 🤢🤢🤮

seaveydaniel: beautiful as always, ames 💙
↳ amayablinn: seaveydaniel thank you, best friend 💛

seaveydaniel: you are my muse

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seaveydaniel: you are my muse

liked by jonahmarias, gabbieegonzalez, anna.seavey, and 294,484 others



gabbieegonzalez: 38dj38fjwsiw83
gabbieegonzalez: LOL that was lav my bad!! nice pic, tho!
userm: gabbieegonzalez stop this is so funny

usern: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

usero: god i love you

userp: hope you're having a great day!!

userq: waiting for amaya to comment like 👀👀

amayablinn: pic creds!!
seaveydaniel: amayablinn no ❤
amayablinn: seaveydaniel #offended

userr: fallin' slaps i'm so hype

jonahmarias: my girl, my world 🌎

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jonahmarias: my girl, my world 🌎

[ tagged: amayablinn ]

liked by imzachherron, alexaiono, imreeseherron, and 202,393 others

users: so y'all tryna make us think everything's okay again huh?

usert: wait but this kinda cute tho?

useru: buddy please drop her idk how you think she's perfect

userv: 🙄🙄🙄

beautychickee: cutest couple!!
amayablinn: beautychickee my love for you >>>>

userw: wack! she's a liar!

amayablinn: i love you!!
userx: fake
usery: liar
userz: slut

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