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me watching amaya and daniel flirt that entire video

karamariassoulme watching amaya and daniel flirt that entire video

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amaya flirting with daniel as if she doesn't have a legitimate boyfriend who is LITERALLY daniel's best friend

mariebabycmbamaya flirting with daniel as if she doesn't have a legitimate boyfriend who is LITERALLY daniel's best friend

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why yall acting like amaya isn't allowed to have a close friend??? she & daniel are literally best friends, they make tons of snap videos together & he's been on her youtube plenty of times, you're just mad bc he clearly cares about her

amaya really said screw jonah, i'm all about daniel now 🤧

marklittleviclenceamaya really said screw jonah, i'm all about daniel now 🤧

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y'all really can't handle a girl being friends with the boys huh?? heaven forbid amaya even breathes near one of them 🙄

okay i love amaya but it's not a secret she & jonah aren't that close anymore... i'm not saying she's cheating bc i don't think she'd do that... but something is fishy

wow screw amaya #amayaisoverparty

#amayaisoverparty is trending worldwide.

can't believe i'm saying this but i'm not cheating on jonah. daniel is my best friend, okay? i'm truly sorry if it seems like we're dating, but we're close. i'm not going to stop being his friend because of backlash.

Daniel • Why Don't We
it's really unfair to treat our friends poorly because of how actions are perceived. keep in mind you don't know everything we do and say. amaya is my best friend, that's all. spread light.

Jonah • Why Don't We
be kind and honest. remember you don't know everything about us. please don't disrespect those we love.

best friend squad
( featuring daniel, jonah, jack, corbyn, & zach! )

hey jonah, how's amaya holding up?

four names ig??
uh, i actually don't know

we haven't talked today, she's been spending it with her family

baby wdw
they're being so horrible... i didn't think our fans could be so mean

remember when you dated kay?

or when jack & gabbie started dating?

or the hate christina gets constantly?

baby wdw
shit u rite u rite

wait, where's daniel?

four names ig??
with amaya, i think

he's taking part in their family outing

so is her best friend tho

no need to sound so jealous

four names ig??
i'm not, jack

we've got a secure relationship

you sound confident

amaya's holding out jack

her family's really supportive and sweet

they've been talking her out of a funk

gtg, going 2 dinner!

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