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amayablinn: me 🤝🏻 zachtaking each other's pics

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amayablinn: me 🤝🏻 zach
taking each other's pics

[tagged: imzachherron]

liked by jonahmarais, esthergrace__, imreeseherron, and 403,494 others

user: you are my world.

usera: i am so gay for you

userb: zach + amaya's friendship outsells
userc: userb honestly the purest wdw friendship

imzachherron: me 🤝🏻 you
having no self control
amayablinn: imzachherron i love you bitchhhhh
imzachherron: amayablinn i ain't ever gonna stop loving you biiiiitchhhh

userd: the chaotic energy these two hold >>>>

usere: we deserve more zacaya pics
amayablinn: usere don't test us hahah

userf: this is the most peaceful amaya's comments have been in months

jonahmarais: you're so beautiful, may ❤
amayablinn: jonahmarais thank you baby 💓

userg: b a b y !!!! she called him baby in public!!! my heart!!!!!

userh: i would Die for this friendship

useri: how could anyone say this cutie isn't loyal look at her friendship w zach i—

userj: crying you're so stunning ????

userk: 😍😍😍😍

userl: imagine being this pretty

seaveydaniel: did u really take the rental car out for this
amayablinn: seaveydaniel yes bc we're cute like that
imzachherron: amayablinn seaveydaniel daniel ur just jealous you aren't this cute
amayablinn liked this comment!

userm: just babey tingz

usern: okay but the trio of amaya, daniel, and zach?? makes my mf day.

usero: cannot believe this is what you post

gabbiegonzalez: come to fl faster!!
amayablinn: talk to jackaverymusic!!
jackaverymusic: amayablinn gabbiegonzalez way to call me out 🙄🤭


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imzachherron: me 🤝🏻 amayataking each other's pics

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imzachherron: me 🤝🏻 amaya
taking each other's pics

[tagged: amayablinn]

liked by jackaverymusic, corbynbesson, beautychickee, and 293,595 others

userp: no one:
literally no one:
me: *crying over zach*

userq: 🤩🤩🤩🤩

userr: i would give my life to look this good??

amayablinn: u steal my captions but u cute tho
imzachherron: amayablinn thanks for the love 🤭

users: you >>>>

usert: okay but them hanging w each other?? just being friends on tour?? so soft

useru: i really want a group pic of these dorks

userv: you are HOT

corbynbesson: gimme some of that 🔥🔥
imzachherron: corbynbesson nah bruh ur too ☃️☃️

userw: i would give my soul to meet you one day 🥺🥺

userx: can you believe there's a man as perfect as this

usery: how are you so hot even when you're being silly

lorengray: 🔥🔥🔥

beautychickee: you 🤝🏻 you
being a dork
imzachherron: beautychickee damnnnn that's cold

userz: crying over this

useraa: the fact that we got a zach pic today when i was JUST complaining that i missed him?? AND amaya took the pic?? i stay winning 🤙🏻


kind of a filler chapter but i wanted to show that amaya's really integrated into the wdw lifestyle

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