t h i r t y - f o u r

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It was quiet for way too long. Neither of them spoke, and neither knew what to say. So they sat there in silence, one in darkness and one in light, looking at anything but each other. She didn't know where to start and he... he just didn't know what to say to make anything right.


"I hate you," she replied, the words tumbling out of her mouth before she could stop them. "Well— no, I don't. I hate that you can make me feel like this. I hate that I haven't stopped crying because I saw a picture of you with someone else. I'm not that kind of person! I don't get like that! But when it comes to you, I... I lose all rhyme and reason."

Daniel didn't react at first, a sigh the only sign he'd been listening. They sat in silence again as he tried to find the right words to say. Eventually he realized all he could do was be honest.

"It was just a dance, Amaya. You don't have to believe me, but that's all it was. We went out, and she was a fan, so I danced with her. But nothing else happened. Well, I might have bought her a drink— I honestly don't remember— but I know I went home alone. And I couldn't text you because Zach took my phone. I didn't even realize someone got that picture until it was too late."

Once again, silence hit as Amaya digested his words. If he said nothing happened, she had to take him at his word. Right? But they'd been lying for months... what was stopping him from doing the same right now?

"You're not lying?" She questioned, searching his eyes through the screen.

"I'm not lying. You can look on the girl's Instagram if you want. People keep tagging us in her post of a picture we took that night."

Amaya raised a finger, signaling for him to give her a moment, and then she checked her Instagram notifications, which had been muted since the original photo came out. Sure enough, she was being tagged left and right in the comments of a post, and after reading it, she slipped back onto FaceTime.

"I believe you."

"Thank God," he breathed, a small smile forming on his lips. He hadn't wanted to get too hopeful, hadn't wanted to hurt her in the slightest. He was prepared for anything and everything that Amaya could have possibly had coming at him.

"Mays?" He asked.


"Will you come visit? We'll be in the next city for a few days..."

"Daniel, I... I don't know. It's probably for the best that I don't."

"I miss you. And it's almost the holidays. I would love to be with you."

Amaya sighed, biting her lip as she considered it.

"Send me the details and I'll see what I can do, okay?"

"Okay." He gave a triumphant smile. "I love you."

"I love you, too."


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amayablinn: i'd love to see me from your point of view 💫

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amayablinn: i'd love to see me from your point of view 💫

[ tagged: seaveydaniel ]

liked by jonahmarias, kaycookk, marykatelin, and 382,404 others

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hi, my loves, happy thanksgiving! sorry this took so long to post— school and things. i hope life has been treating you all well in the meantime!

i do have a question for you all! you've mentioned you would be interested in a sequel, but my only idea revolves around them, two years from now, being in a secret relationship. would you read that, or should i leave this as a standalone? let me know!


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