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School. It had always been something I tried to be good at.  I graduated Highschool at 16 and then went to Arizona State University were i graduated with a masters in criminal justice at 24 years old.

I have an IQ of 122 which isn't common but not uncommon in a sort of way. Most people on average only have an IQ of 98, so I guess you could call me somewhat smart.

I always had a thing for becoming an FBI agent. Something about always seemed so interesting. What really pushed me to join was the Unabomber case. It always fascinated me for some reason. After learning a lot about it I decided I wanted to join the BAU or behavioral analysis unit.

I never had boyfriends or such mostly because I was always focused on school. I had a few, sure but nothing that ever really stuck.

My best friend, Rose, would always reassure me, as I would do the same for her.

Rose and I met in the second grade and have been best friends ever sense. When she finally graduated she came to ASU with me and graduated at 22 with a bachelors degree in criminology. She then went to the FBI academy and joined the counter terrorism  unit in quantico at 23 years old.

We had a sold plan with our lives until Rose got pregnant at 19 and had her daughter, Arabella at 20. It was a struggle juggling being a mom and full time student and what made it worse was when Arabella's dad, and Rose's boyfriend at the time, Jake, was 21 when he died in a car accident. But we made it work together. So needless to say it was a huge win when she got a job in Quantico.

Two weeks after graduation I got a job ofer from the BAU and i was beyond thrilled. I moved in with Rose and Arabella in Quantico.

Standing outside the building with Rose (who conveniently worked on the floor beneath me) I tried to calm my nerves. My stomach was twisting and I felt like I was gonna throw up.

As if she could read my mind Rose grabbed my hand and looked at me and asked, "Are you ready babes?"

"Nope, but let's do this thing" I told her with a nervous smile. And with that we walking into the building, eager to be here.

Walking onto the floor I felt confident (because practice makes perfect) prepared for anything that may come at me, or so I thought.

Authors note: hi again, I wasn't planning on posting this tonight but I couldn't sleep and it all kinda came to me. I know this isn't the best written but it's my first fanfic so please show mercy on my poor soul lol.

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