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Trigger warning: this chapter does talk about abuse and toxic relationship. If you are uncomfortable with these topics I advise you to skip this chapter, I will do a small recap in the next chapter so you won't miss anything, and if you are in a toxic relationship remember you are not alone!

You awoke the next morning to the sound of your alarm. You and Spencer got up and Spencer hopped in the shower. While he did that you got dressed and decided you would make both coffee and breakfast.

Once you got the coffee started you moved to the fridge to see what you could make. There wasn't much in his fridge but you decided on making you both egg and cheese sandwiches.

You took out your phone and started playing the Hamilton soundtrack. You were dancing along and softly singing along.

About halfway through cooking, you heard the shower turn off, telling you that Spencer was done.

Helpless started playing and you started singing along. You were so lost in the song that you hadn't realized that Spencer had walked out into the kitchen. He came up and hugged you from behind and you jumped turning around to face him calming down when you realized that it was him.

"Oh god, Spencer you scared me!" You said and he laughed. "H-how long have you been here?" You asked and he smirked.

"Long enough." He said leaning down to give you a peck on the lips. "You sing very nicely. you know?" He said. You blushed and turned around to take the sandwiches out of the pan.

'"I do not," You said half to yourself.

"Yes you do," Spencer said putting his head on your shoulder.

"Whatever." You blushed harder if that was even possible.

"whatcha making?" He asked.

"I made us egg and cheese sandwiches and coffee!" You told him proudly handing him his plate.

"Thank you," he said grabbing his things and going to sit down. You repeated his actions sitting across from him.

"I don't know why you have cheese, Spence, aren't you lactose intolerant?" You asked already knowing the answer.

"Hey, last time I checked so are you, yet here we are eating cheese." He said taking a bite out of his sandwich. You smiled and returned to your food. You two ate and talked. When you finished Spencer took both of your plates to the sink and you both made your way outside.

"Looks like we are going to have to walk," Spencer told you and you remembered that his car was still at the BAU along with yours. You smiled at him and took his hand as you two began the walk to the Bureau.

When you got to the BAU you both made your way inside and to your desks. You sat down and got to work on paperwork.

About an hour later you noticed Seaver walk over to Spencer's desk. You tried to hear what she was telling him but they were too far for you to hear. Then suddenly Ashley said something and Spener laughed.

You ignored it and tried not to think about it. Spencer could have friends at work, even if that friend is a bitch, you weren't going to be that toxic girlfriend that tells your boyfriend who he can and can't talk to. You had been through that and you didn't want to put anyone else through it.

A few years ago you had been in a toxic relationship. It was a very bad time. At first, he had seemed like a nice guy, he took you out, bought you flowers but a few months into the relationship you saw his true colors. He started becoming extremely controlling telling you what you should wear, not letting you go out with the team and he especially hated your friendship with Spencer. One day you decided that you were going to go out with the team without his knowledge. You had a fun time but when you came home he hit you and told you all these awful things. Eventually, Spencer found out and helped you get out of that relationship and you stayed with him for a few weeks while he helped you look for a new house. It was a very tough time and the only people that knew about that were Spencer and your brother, Michael, and your sister, Anne. No one else on the team knew until Spencer had finally talked you into telling Hotch because he was worried about you and that Hotch would want to help. You told him and he was very supportive of your pressing charges and your ex had gotten five years in prison. That was three years ago. It wasn't something a lot of people knew and you rather it stays that way.

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