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2 weeks later (yes another)...

Things had been good the past two weeks. You finally were free for desk duty the one week you all didn't have a case.

"Round table room, we have a case," Hotch announced. Scratch not having any cases all week! You thought as you made your way to the table.

"A Sammy Sparks showed up to his school this morning covered in blood. The local PD looked into it and turns out that both of his parents went missing this morning." Garcia told you as you all sat down.

"Okay so why are we being called in?" Ashley asked.

"Because one the boy wasn't taken and two he has autism so they can't get much out of the poor thing." She frowned.

"We don't have much to go by so we will discuss more on the jet, wheels up in ten," Hotch told you all and you made your way to your desk to grab your go-bag.

When you got on the jet you sat down at a table seat by yourself and pulled out your book and began reading.

"Aren't those the ones that fly around in the phone booth?" You overheard Ashley say.

"First of all, it's a Police Box not a phone Booth. Second of all, Doctor Who started a quarter of a century before Bill and Teds bodacious adventure, so, really they should have just called it "Bill and Teds excellent rip-off" I mean at least then-" Reid explained but was abruptly cut off by Seaver.

"Sorry." She told him shortly.

"About what?" He asked confused.

"That i asked." She told him walking away.

This bitch. You thought. Who was she to be rude to her teammate like that when she was the one that started the conversation! Long story short you were not having her put a teammate down like that, especially when you happened to be sleeping with said teammate.

"Hey Ashley!" You asked when she passed you.

"Yes?" She asked turning to face you.

"So what was your childhood like? I know that sounds weird but it fascinates me how you went from "girl with a serial killer dad" to FBI agent." The lie slipped through your lips almost too well. You would have been intrigued with her past if she didn't constantly bring it up all the damn time.

"Oh yeah so," she stated sitting across from you. "my life was pretty normal I guess, you know, went to school, kept up with my grades til one day I noticed my dad was starting to act weird."

"Oh yeah how so?" You asked not caring at all.

"Well he became more paranoid and became more dominant towards me and my mom, saying things like "No you can't do it that way" or going on about how even the tiniest mistakes were really more bigger then they really were a-" you cut her off.

"Oh sorry." You said.

"It's fine I've gotten through it with therop-" she said but you cut her off again.

"No sorry I asked." You said going back to your book ignoring the shocked looks you were getting from you team members.

You looked up to see her still across from you and you raised your eyebrows daring her to speak, but she simply got up and walked away.

Hotch eventually broke the silence. "So then when we land I want Derek and Ashley to go to the school and talk to the witnesses of arrival. Rossi and Reid you two will go to the Spraks' house and see what you can uncover there." He said turning to look at you with his monotone stare. If looks could kill, you'd be dead on site.

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