𝕤 𝕚 𝕩 𝕥 𝕖 𝕖 𝕟

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You were currently standing in front of the coffin that held one of your best friends, Emily Prentiss. You weren't really listening to what was being said. You were lost in thought of all the great memories you two had shared.

You noticed it was you turn to put a rose on her casket and you did so. You softly placed the rose on her casket whispering, "Good bye, Emily," as a tear fell down you cheek.

When it was all over you got in the car with Rose and Arabella and you three began the silent ride home.

Rose dropped you off at you apartment and you made your way inside. You immediately hoped into the shower. You slowly washed yourself and when you got out you dried yourself off and threw on Spencer's shirt and threw on a pair of sweatpants and laid down in bed.

You awoke the next morning to to your phone ringing. It couldn't have been Hotch because the BAU team was given two week off to grieve.

You looked at the caller ID and saw Spencer's name.

"Hey," You groggily said into the phone.

"H-hey I didn't wake up did I?" Spencer asked.

"It's fine Spence, what's up, why'd you call?"

"I um, well I guess I was wondering if you wanted to come over, to talk or something, I don't know I just, I just don't want to be alone right now I guess." He rambled. That was when you had finally realized what time it was. 2:55 am.

"Yeah sure give me a few," You said and you hung up. Getting out of bed you slipped on a hoodie and shoes and grabbed your keys.

When you got to Spencer's apartment you knocked four times and when the door opened you were met with a very bad looking Spencer. The bags under his eyes were very dark and you could tell he hadn't been sleeping at all lately. His hair was messier than usual and he had tear stains in his cheeks. He also looked skinnier than usual meaning he probably wasn't eating.

"H-hey," he quietly said.

"Hi. So um are you going to let me in?" You asked rocking on you feet.

"Oh oh yeah, come on in." He said opened the door more.

You yawned and stretched your arms out when you entered and turned to look at Spencer.

"Could we go to sleep? I'm really tired and you look like you could use it." You said and Spencer shook his head yes.

When you got into his room you crawled under the covers and instantly moved closer to Spencer. You kissed his cheek before laying your head on his chest.

"Try and get already some sleep, love, she wouldn't want you to be up all night because of her."  Spencer sighed at your words.

"I just can't and I don't know how you can." He sighed, frustratedly. You couldn't be mad, you understood were he was coming from, but you werenone of those people who could eat during bad times and sleep when something bad was happening, it's not that you didn't care it's just you were never one of those people that lost their apatite or lost to much sleep.

You have him a sympathetic smile before an idea popped in your head. "Read to me."

Spencer raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Please?" He looked like he was debating it when he nodded his head sure and stood up to grab a book from his book shelf.

He laid back down and began reading to you. You fell asleep at some point during his reading. He had a very calming voice that lulled you to sleep.

You awoke to the sun shinning through Spencer's window. You looked up and saw him fast asleep. He must have fallen asleep while reading because his book was still on his chest. You slowly tried to slide out of his arms but ultimately failed when Spencer merely pulled you tighter to him in his sleep. After a few more minutes you finally broke free of his grasp and picked up his book and putting it down on his nightstand.

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