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One week later~

"Y/n, what's wrong?" Derek asked you.

"You were right Derek something was going on between us. And even though it was just sex he ended it. That's why we haven't been talking. I know it's stupid b-but I thought he would get over it and it was just because of the whole Emily thing, but it's been two weeks-two fucking weeks and he still hasn't said a word to me unless it work related!" You said holding back the tears that threatened to leave your eyes.

Derek simply opened the door wider signaling for you to walk inside. He lead you over to the couch and you both sat down.

"It was just sex though. It was always just supposed to be sex, but Derek it wasn't just sex for me. I've been in love with him for six years now." You said as a tear slipped down you cheek.

"A-a-and with Prentiss being gone it just feels like everything is falling apart and I know I shouldn't be this upset over the whole Spencer thing but it just..." you trailed off not being able to finish your sentence as more tears started to fall down. Emily was still a very sensitive subject.

"But it feels like you other relationships, blind-sighted and feeling like you should have seen it coming." Derek said rubbing his hand up and down you thigh comfortably. You shook your head yes not wanting to speak in fear it would all just be incoherent sobs.

"It's not like that. No one could have seen anything happen okay? And Spencer he just needs time, he isn't good with traumatic events." Derek said pulling you into a hug.

"B-but it's been two weeks and I know that that's not very long but still two weeks?" You said.

"It's gonna be hard princess." He said rubbing you back up and down.

You two sat there for a few minutes while you cried lightly into his chest when he finally broke the silence. "You can stay the night here if you want it's getting late and I don't want you to be out at this time." He said.

"Derek I'm fine and I've been a  enough trouble, I'll just call Rose or something." You said beginning to pull out your phone but he cut you actions short be gently taking your phone from your hands.

"You're not a burden princess now come on, you an stay in the guest bedroom." He said and you simply followed him.

Once you got in the room Derek bid you goodnight and you crawled under the covers and for the first time in weeks you shut your eyes and let sleep wash over you.

Derek's point of view.

Once I closed the door to the guest bedroom I walked back I to my room and sat down on the bed. I sighed and pulled y/n's phone out of my pocket.

I pained me to see that her lock screen was still a picture of her and Spencer that Rossi had taken of the two of them when we all went to a diner after solving a case late at night.

The two of them were sitting next two each other with smiles on their faces. Y/n was wearing Spencer's FBI hoodie and snuggled into his side as she sipped on her milkshake.

Spencer had his arm around her shoulder and was smiling as he ate some of his fries.

I unlocked her phone, her password still being her birthday. We all told her to change it because it was too easy to guess but she didn't listen.

I went to her phone log and chose Rose's contact and put the phone to my ear.

"Y/n/n?" Came Rose's voice softly through the line.

"Hey Rose its Derek, y/n is here. I don't know if she told you about her and Spencer but she's taking it a little rough especially with Emily having just pasted." I said trying to not let a tear fall at having to say Emily's name aloud again.

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