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You awoke to your alarm going off the next morning, You reached over and turned it off and turned back to Spencer to see him looking at you already.

"Good morning, Spence."

"Good morning angel." He told you making you blush.

You both got up and you grathered your things from yesterday while Spencer got ready. Once he was ready you made your way downstairs and made the short drive to your apartment.

You both went inside, not wanting to make Spencer wait in the car while you got ready, and headed to your bedroom to get ready for the day. You decided on wearing a white turtleneck with slacks to go with it. You threw on a belt and a checkered jacket over top with white high tops.

You brushed your teeth and put your hair in a low messy ponytail once you brushed it. You threw on some light makeup and made you way into the living room.

"Okay, Spence, lets go catch some bad guys." you said once you got into the living room.


The drive to work was short and you both made your way up the elevator to the 6th floor. When you walked into the bullpen you sat down at your desks and a few minutes later you were called into the round table room.

"Okay, crime fighters, Audrey West was strangled in her home and her family found her the next morning. There have been two other murders in the same area. Jo Long was strangled in her laundry room while her husband and son were camping in the backyard. Last night Aubrey Jacobs was strangled while her family was asleep, in the house. And this was all in a gated community." Garcia said once you all sat down.

"This guy is fearless." Spencer said.

"Yeah I mean the close proximinty and the risk of getting caught could be part of it for him." Emily pointed out looking through the file.

"Gated community wouldn't that mean there is security there?" You asked going through the file infront of you.

"Security and cameras 24/7 and no one was seen entering or leaving the compound except for residence so we can assume the unsub is apart of the community." Hotch said answering your question.

"This isn't going to be easy to profile." Derek said.

"Yeah but we are looking at different angles, Rossi is working on that as we speak." Hotch said and with that you all made your way back to your desks.


You and Spencer where in getting coffee when you noticed the team gathered by someone.

"I didn't know we were getting a new team member." You said trying to get a better look at the person they were all talking to.

"Me neither, come lets go over and see who she is." Spencer said taking his coffe and walking towards the group.

"Concussion. Hand to hand got a little out of control." The girl said when you two were within earshot.

"We were recruted in the academy also." Spencer said when you both got to the small circle.

"Agent Seaver this is Dr. Spencer Reid and agent y/n y/l/n." Rossi said

"Nice to meet you." You said shaking her hand.

"The pleasure is all mine." She said with a smile.

"What was your issuse in the academy?" Seaver said turning her attention to Spencer.

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