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three days later...

It was now Tuesday and Hotch called saying we had a case.

I got in the shower and did my usual shower routine. Once i get out of the shower and dried off my body. I blow-dried my hair and brushed through it and went into my closet picking out an outfit.

Deciding on black slacks and a long sleeve cream turtle neck with a black suit jacket to top it off. Adding some rings and my favorite necklace you grabbed your go back and made your way downstairs to my car.

Once I got in the driver's seat my phone rang. Looking at the caller ID I see Spencer's name and quickly answer, "Hey Spence," i say.

"Hey y/n, I was wondering if I could still get a ride to work?" He said nervously on the other line.

"Yeah, yeah of course I just got in my car I'll be there in a few,"

"Okay, I'll be waiting, see you soon." And with that, he ended the call.

The drive to Spencer's house was quick and once I parked I sent him a quick text that I was there and a few moments later he got into the car and I began pulling out of the parking lot and began the ride to work.

"Any idea what this case is about?" I ask keeping my eyes on the road.

"Something about an abduction, I think." He answers. The rest of the ride was quiet and once we got to the BAU, we made our way to the elevator and made our way to the conference room when we got on the floor.

We two were the last ones to arrive so I was forced to sit next to Spencer. JJ began the briefing when we sat down. "Alright, 19-year-old Kate Joyce was abducted three days ago on the Atlanta beach. The Atlanta PD does have two suspects in custody but they have been there for a while and they need us to help break the two of them."

"How do they know they did it?" Rossi chimed in when she finished.

"The two of them were the last people to see Kate the night she went missing," JJ explained. Hotch ended the briefing with wheels up in thirty.

I walked out of the conference room and went down to my desk to grab my go-bag and make sure all my drawers were locked. After I made sure everything was in place, I made my way to the elevator and went down to the floor below to say a quick bye to Rose.

"Hey, Rose." I say, sitting on the edge of her desk.

"Hey, y/n/n got a case?" She said signaling to my go-bag hanging off my shoulder.

"Yup I just wanted to come down and let you know. We're going to Atlanta-"

"Oh, you guys are working that abduction case? I saw it on the news this morning." She cuts me off.

"Yeah we are, okay it's wheels up in thirty so I should probably head to the jet, I just wanted to let you know about the case."

"Okay okay, I get it, wanna grab a seat by Spencer, that's fine your crush means more to you than me." She sighs, looking back at the work in front of her. Her coworker that sat in front of her, Kayla, laughs at her comment trying to cover it up with a cough but ultimately failing.

"Okay one keep your voice down so people don't hear you!" You said looking at Kayla who quickly got back to work. "And I'm not ditching you for my 'crush' I just don't want to be late we all know Hotch would kill me." You told her.

"If you say so now go before 'Hotch kills you' cause we wouldn't want that." And with that, I made my way to the elevator and from there, to the jet.

Once I got to the jet I took a seat down next to Morgan with Emily across from me and JJ next to her. "So JJ," Morgan says, not-so-subtlety grubbing up the topic we all knew JJ had been trying to avoid.

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