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  two weeks later

You woke up and got ready for work. You made your way downstairs to your car and made the short drive to work.

You got inside and made your way to the little kitchen and made yourself a coffee. You put creamer in your coffee and made your way to Garcia's office. The team was currently away on a case in New York to investigate mysterious disappearances.

"Hey Penny." You said sitting down next to her.

"Hey y/n/n how'd you sleep?" She asked with her usual peppiness. You two fell into conversation. After a little while the Derek called asking for a list of suspects.

"Hey babygirl, your on speaker so behave, I need a list of suspects that fit the profile." Derek said from the other line.

"Or what you'll spank me." Garcia said in response to Morgan's comment and imeadenty after her face dropped with realization she had said that knowing she was on speaker. "I'll get you that list." She said getting to typing whatever it was she types so fast.

"Okay what are you typing?" You asked generally curious and Garcia shot you a confused look. "I mean you type so fast it doesn't even sound like you are typing real words." You elaborate as she pulled up a list of potential unsubs.

"That is because I have magical hands and I can type very fast, and I never reveal my secrets." She said proceeding to list the names out loud. After a while they got the list narrowed down to three possible suspects and Derek hung up the phone.

"I'm going to go downstairs and visit with Rose." You said getting up and going downstairs.

Once you got to her floor you made your way to her desk and sitting on the edge.

"I'm very bored there is nothing to do. I hate desk duty." You said once you sat down.

Rose looked up from her work in front of her and sighed. "Yeah my work sucks and you have been on it for two weeks now that must suck."

"At least I get to spend a little more time with Arabella," you said with a sigh.

"How're things going with Spencer?" Kayla asked from her desk.

"It' fine we hang-out, perusal," you said.

"Just hang-out?" Rose said with a smirk.

"Well for the past two weeks yes, Rose, just hanging out." You said and Kayla looked almost, disappointed? "Well, I should head back up, bye." You told them making your way upstairs.

When you got to Garcia's "bat cave" you saw her spinning in her chair waiting for you.

"Hi! So the team got a good lead and they are going to go arrest him and then they should be heading back if it's him!" She told you as you sat down.

"Okay, that's good." You said with a smile. And resumed talking.


A few hours later the team came back and you made your way to the bullpen to see everyone.

After catching up with everyone real quick they all made their way to their desk to start on a bit of paper work before calling it a day.

When it was finally time to leave you started to pack up things.

"Hey y/n/n." Came the unmistakable voice of the one and only Spencer Reid.

"Hey, Spence, whats up?" You asked grabbing your things and you both started walking to the elevator.

"So do you um maybe want to come over? And I don't know, finish the last movie?" He said in a shy manner.

"Sure sounds like fun." You said with a smile.

You two made your way downstairs and made the quick drive to Spencers apartment where you both sat and finished the last movie.

"That's it?" You asked slightly annoyed when the credits rolled in.

"That's it." Spencer repeated slightly amused by your reaction.

"They can't just end it there! I mean she just said-they can't end it like that!" You huffed. There was so much more you wanted to know, like what happened with Rey, and literally every one else.

"Well I hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but there won't be anymore movies." He told you finishing the last of the takeout you had ordered half way through the movie.

"That's bullshit." You told him causing him to chuckle.

"Well all good things must come to an end." He said matter-of-factly. You rolled your eyes and gathered your trash and threw it away.

"Well now what. It's only, 7" you said looking at your phone when Spencer suddenly grabbed your chin forcing you to look at him as he connected you lips.

The kiss was full of the passion and desire you hadn't had since before you getting shot. When he pulled away you immediately chased after him desperately wanting more but he merely chuckled.

"Your not clear for another week." He said smugly.

"Oh that's just for work, I'm fine I promise." You told him, trying to reconnect your lips again and once again failing in the process.

"Nope, I say another week so you will just have to be patient, love." He smirked at you. Rolling your eyes playfully you huffed in defeat knowing that this was a battle you would not win.

"Oh you're no fun." You said getting up.

"Tell me that again in one week and I think you'll have a different answer." He said trailing along behind you to his room.

"Yeah no, I think I'll stick to my answer I think your ego and can handle it." You said grabbing more comfortable clothes knowing that you would just end up sleeping over.

Spencer rolled his eyes and climbed in bed with you after you both changed.

"Yeah yeah, goodnight love." He said as you rested your head on his chest under his chin.

"Mm goodnight, Spence." You said as you drifted off to sleep.

a/n: IM SORRY I HAVE BEEN GONE FOR A LITTLE BIT. So I started track and I have practice everyday after school and afterwards I really just go home and eat and sleep so I haven't been writing as much. I will try and update more, and definitely in less than a week. This chapter is more of a filler, again. I have more plans for next chapter. Til then xx

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