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A few weeks later...

A few weeks had gone by and you were now working a case in which two new adults had gotten drunk, married, and gone on a killing spree. They were always somehow ahead of you, not that they were trying that hard, but you had finally caught them in a gas station, but they sure as hell weren't going down without a fight.

"Ray, come out!" Morgan shouted. "We know that Sydney is hurt, and if you come out now we can get him the help he needs in time." There was no response.

"Alright, let's try and get closer," Hotch said and you all quietly made your way towards the gas station. But Ray stood up and fired more shots. You tried to move out of the way but you weren't fast enough.

Luckily you were one wearing a vest and two, the bullet only hit your shoulder. The impact caused you to fall back and as you feel you hit your head on the sidewalk. Before you lost conscious you remembered Spencer running over to you before it all went black.

When you woke you saw hospital lights above you. You rubbed your eyes sitting up but your actions were cut short by the pain in your left shoulder.

"Wow there, mamas, careful," Derek said rushing to help you up.

"w-what happened?" You asked one you were fully sat up.

"Well we were moving in on the kids in the gas station when Ray started firing shots and you, unfortunately, were caught in the crossfire. When you fell you hit your head and got a minor concussion. You blacked out but luckily pretty boy was there to take you to the ambulance and you had surgery to get the bullet removed." He explained.

It took a minute to process all the information Derek had just thrown at you. "How long was I out?" You said once you somewhat processed everything.

"After your surgery, about an hour and a half," Derek told you.

You shook your head in understanding, "Okay, and where is-"

"Y/n?" Spencer asked from the doorway holding two cups of jello in his hands and two more in his arms.

"I'll give you two a minute," Derek said getting up. As he walked by Spencer he snatched one of the jello cups away from him.

"Hey!" Spencer shouted after him. He shrugged his shoulder and walked over to the chair on your right. "Jello?" He asked handing you one of the cups in his hands.

"Sure, thank you." You said opening the jello and eating it.

"Mhm," He said beginning to stuff his mouth with the jello. "How are you feeling." He asked.

"Fine, well as fine as one could be after being shot." You joked and he smiled.

"Good to see you still have your sense of humor." He mumbled.

"Well yeah Spence, it was just a shoulder surgery." You said rolling your eyes playfully. You two sat in comfortable silence when the rest of the team came in.

"Hey, y/n, how's your shoulder?" Emily asked you.

"Hurts a little but nothing I can't manage." You said with a small smile.

"They said you would be discharged in a day or two and until then we will all stay here and then head back when you are ready," Hotch said. You shook your head okay and after a nurse came and checked your shoulder.


"Alright that's it you are free to go, and remember to lay off your shoulder for a few weeks." The nurse told you taking the discharge papers from you.

"Ugh three weeks desk duty, don't remind me." You said growing. The nurse laughed and walked away.

"Alright, you ready?" Spencer asked helping you get up.

"Yup let's go!" You said wanting more than anything to be home in bed watching a movie.

You two made your way to the SUVs where Morgan waited. The rest of the team had already gone to the jet.

"Hey, Mamas how's the shoulder?" Morgan asked.

"Same a yesterday Morgan." You said getting in the back. He smiled and you made your way to the jet.

When you got on the jet the rest of the team was already there and you sat down on the couch next to Spencer.

At some point, you must have fallen asleep because the next thing you remembered was being lightly shaken by Spencer telling you that you landed and Hotch had given you all the rest of the day off.

Before you got to your car Spencer stopped you.

"Keys, please." He said holding out his hand. You put them in his hand and got in the passenger seat.

You noticed that he had started driving toward his apartment. "Spence this is the way to your apartment, if you didn't notice." You said and he kept his eyes on the road.

"I know, but we still have 6 more movies of Star Wars to watch and I will not rest until you have seen all of them." He explained and you laughed.

When you got inside you sat down and got the next movie ready while Spencer got popcorn.

You finished the 11th movie around nine and you both had to go into work tomorrow so you called it a night. You changed into a pair of sweatpants and one of the shirts you had taken from Spencer, from your go-bag, and climbed in bed with Spencer.

"You know, I was wondering where that shirt went," Spencer said signaling to his shirt you were wearing.

"You have an eidetic memory, you weren't wondering you knew exactly where it was." You told him sarcastically and he laughed. You rested your head on his chest and you layer there for a few minutes in comfortable silence before sleep took over you.

a/n: Hi so this chapter was ready a few days ago but I didn't have time to go over it. Also, this chapter was going to be written completely different but I didn't like it and then I actually got the idea for this chapter while doing my language arts homework and I just liked this a little better I'm still in the fense about it and it deffiently isn't my favorite at all. Also, I have no clue where this story is going ut I think I want it to be around 20-25 chapters, but we will see.

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