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Pushing his jacket off his shoulders Spener grabbed my hips and moved me towards the bedroom. Once we made it there Spencer pushed me back on the bed once again and leaned over me, reconnecting our lips.

"Spencer- Spencer wait," I say pushing him back a bit. "Are you sure you want to do this? I mean with J-"

"Please, I'm fine I just need this, please." He cuts me off looking into my eyes pleadingly. Realistically I knew we shouldn't be doing this, he was going through something hard, again, but at the moment I just wanted to be there for him, and in all fairness, I needed it too.

Reconnecting our lips I unbutton his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders while his hands moved to the hem of my shirt and pulled it off.

Once we two finished undressing, Spencer wasted no time thrusting into me and within minutes we reached your climax. When he came down from his high he pulled out and laid down next to me.

"Do you wanna grab a quick shower with me?" I look over at him. Nodding his head, we stood up and made our way into the bathroom. I turned the water on and when the water was warm enough we stepped inside.

I grabbed the shampoo bottle and put some in my hair and reached up to lather it into his hair. He moved back and under the water. I rinse the shampoo out of his hair and once the conditioner was out of his hair he repeated the process with you.

While washing out the conditioner Spencer finally broke the silence and said, "I'm thinking about cutting my hair a little shorter."

"Really? I like the whole boyband thing you got going on, very hot." I smile at him.

"I suppose I could keep it for a bit longer." He said smiling down at me.

"It's only fair you keep it because I did that same for you." You pointed out remembering the memory.


"And please dye your hair back, I'm sorry but this color, it's just not very you."

"Okay but you have to promise me you will try and work through this thing, if not for me but for you." I tell him and after a moment he shook his head yes.

two days later...

"Looking good mamas!" Derek tells me as I walked into the BAU, my hair now dyed back to its natural color, I had it dyed a little after the Lyla Archer case.

"Nice hair," Spencer says smiling up at me as I walk pst his desk.

"Just for you pretty boy, just for you." I tell walking into the kitchen to make a coffee.

*End Flashback*

After the shower we changed into some more comfortable clothing, Spencer gave me a pair of boxer shorts and his old Caltech T-shirt. Spener in grey sweatpants and a dark purple shirt on.

We sat on his couch deciding on what movie to watch. Ultimately you decided on making Spencer watch the Greatest Showman with you for it was one of your favorite movies. You sang along with all of the songs in the movie and Spencer smiled each time you started singing to a new song.

When the movie ended you reached and grabbed the remote, turning the TV off and turned to look at him. Forcing yourself to talk to him about earlier.

"Okay, we need to talk about earlier." He looked down at his hands at my statement.

After a few more moments of silence he finally spoke, "I-it's just JJ is one of my best friends a-a-and now they are just taking her away from us and it's just not fair and I just- I can't have another person walk out on me." He said wiping away the tears that had fallen from his eyes.

"Hey, look at me." I told him and when he didn't move I bring my hand to his chin, tilting his head to look at me. "I know it must be hard to go through something like this agian, but JJ is not walking out. We are still going to see her and you still are gonna see Herny and we are going to babysit for her and Will like we always do, okay so you save those tears for something else, but not this because everything is going to be okay you hear me?" I tell him wiping away stray tears that still fell. He nods his head, pulling me into a hug.

"And stop crying because then I'm going to cry!" I say, laughing at my comment. I pulled away from him and looked into his hazel eyes. "Come on, Spence, it's been a long day lets go to bed." He nods his head in agreement and we make our way to his bed and lay down. He pulled me into his chest.

"Go to sleep, Spence, you look like you could use it." I say softly running my thumbs across the dark bags under his eyes.

"Goodnight hon'," Spencer says.

"Goodnight Spence." He kisses the top of my head before sleep washed over the both of us.

a/n: I rewatched the Greatest Showman yesterday and I forgot how much I loved the movies and loved the soundtrack. Also yeah the smut was not very good sorry. Um also the flashback may not make the best sense but I didn't want to show the whole thing yet cause that's gonna be for later on in the fic, but the hair thing was part of it and I just wanted to show that. Also I love boyband Reid so he that hair is gonna stay for a while cause it's also a lot better than his short hair in season six.

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