THE MODEL[ mewgulf ]

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[Gulf is type here and mew is tharn
Plot is 7 years after Tharntype started dating]

Gulf was working on the report that that has to be send to his boss
He barely finished and clicked the send button when his phone began ringing

'Princess' the caller ID showed

Why is Thanya calling me at this time? Gulf thought and immediately attended the call

"P gulf ...."Thanya's sweet sound came
Gulf smiled automatically

Thanya had P Gulf eating out from her hands
He always melted whenever Thanya pleaded him calling him Phi
He also being an only child loved her like his own sister
Mew often pouted complaining that his mae and sister loved gulf more than him
Whenever Mew pouted complaining
Gulf and Thanya teams up and worked to make Mew more and more jealous

"Heyyy !Princess what's up?"
"P.... I need a small favour from you"
"Favour ?what is it Princess ?"
"First promise me that you will definitely do it for me ",
Thanya said
"Hmmm ....", Gulf thought for a while
"Promise ... "He said slightly sounding unsure
"P.... promised na .,
Now you can't change your word ok".
"Ok " what is it ?",gulf asked leaning back in his chair
" p can you come to the elict mall
Now? "
"Elicit mall what's happening there?"
"I will tell you once you come here
Please p come na nana ",
Thanya went on pleading
"ok ok stop pleading i ll come".

Gulf reached the mall in about 15 minutes he was nervous that Thanya got into any trouble
Mew was currently aboard to study music and p thorn was travelling with his wife
So Gulf felt the botherly instinct to protect was increased

He reached the first floor of the mall and reached the big clothing shop that. Thanya had instructed him to
There were a lot of people inside the shop

Thanya was walking to and fro at one side and all the people there appear really tensed
"Thanya! "gulf rushed to her and Thanya suddenly looked more relaxed instantly seeing him
"P gulf! "she hugged him
"What happened are you hurt or something ? "Gulf asked worriedly
"No no p I am perfectly alright but..." She Fidgeted her finger nervously looking around
She pulled Gulf to slight distance that no one will hear them
"P I really need your help right now
Please p don't say no "she grabbed gulfs hands and started shaking nervously
"Say no to what Thanya ",
He was starting to get slightly annoyed
"What problem please say it clearly"
P please model this shoot with me" Thanya said in one breath and closing her eyes
What ? Gulf was amazed at first then He started laughing"
" what Thanya you are crazy ?,
what type of joke is this"
" I am not joking p, I am serious"
"Please do it for me na na na ".

"What!, no way, I am not a model ".

"Please p, it's very urgent ",
"My agency as well as me will have to face lawsuit, if we didn't complete this ad today and the male model for today's shoot got into an accident".

"No ,one is available p ....",
"I tried each one of the other models of our agency",

"What law suit are you serious ?".

"Yes p I will have to face the law suit ,
"As I am the brand ambassador of our agency,
"Please p say ok plese plase pleasee".
Thanya whined
"P thorn will never allow me to act again if something like that happen ,

You know that P",
Thanya was about to panic and she was about to start crying.

Gulf couldn't say anything he was still processing the information

"You know if p Mew was here he would have helped me
But I am so unlucky p Mew is aboard ",
Thanya started sobbing and sniffling

" Oye oye stop crying Princess, if your brothers come to know I made you cry mew will kill me ".

" na na na please please common p",

"It's so easy you will just have to pose that's all".

"That's all ,, in have never faced a camera In my whole life "
Gulf started to panic as Thanya dragged gulf to where camera was placed
She took a crash course for Gulf for the next one hour about which camera to pose and how the camera works
Then she again dargged type to the stylist
Then makeupman and within the next two hours Gulf was groomed and redy to rock

Gulf was so shy when he came out of the trial roon wearing the tight fitted button down shirt and pant
It fitted him perfectly
"Oh my god phi you look ravishing"
Thanya jumped in excitment seeing the handsome Gulf
Gulf blushed as everyone else also agreed
"Phi Mew is gonna be head over heals if he see you in this Attaire"

Gulf didn't say anything
He was nervous his knees and we're jelly
His hands ice-cold

"Relax phi it's gonna be alright", Thanya encouraged Gulf

They started then shoot Gulf was shy at first then Thanya adviced him to forget about the camera and be his usual confident self

He slowly started relaxing and enjoying with Thanya they laughed and was playful as the shoot ended and the director was fully satisfied

As they wrapped up it was late Gulf treated Thanya to dinner with the paycheck he got and bought a watch for Mew
" Phi don't tell Mew about this today itself na otherwise he will come back immediately
Please tell phi next week".

Gulf hesitated but he knew that Thanya was right ,if Mew knows that Thanya was about to face lawsuit he will instantly comeback and will cause a large turmoil.

Ok " , Gulf said thinking deeply
He knew that he is not doing right
But for thanyas sake it was the best thing to do
Also mew will know eventually

"You must inform mew once he comes back ok ",said gulf sternly
"Ok phi and thanku sooo much
You are my favourite brother"
Thanya said hugging gulf
Gulf laughed
'don't let your other two brothers hear this or they will burn with jealousy'

After about three weeks mew came back
And Gulf forgot to tell Mew as
His boss was continuosly torturing him with work
The thing he didn't knew was that Thanya also forgot to mention this to Mew as she had to go
immediately to LA for a new , movie shoot

After months they were went on a date after a long time they watched a movie in the mall and stopped at the mall to have food at the mall
As they walked to the resturant chit chatting mew abruptly stopped and gaped with open ,outh
"Hey mew what are you....",
Gulf looked forward infront of him stood a 8ft huge vertical hoarding of him
Gulf was awestruck for a moment and then turned to see p Mew glaring at him
"When in the world did you became a model and why didn't you tell me about this huh '

Mew asked raising an eyebrow
Ohhh Thanya I am indeep trouble Gulf smiled akwardly at Mew
It's a long story ........
He mumbled blushing slightly unable to meet Mew's eyes.

I know there is alot of mistakes in my language
I am sorry
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