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Mew : A powerful beta , Gulf's mate
Gulf : Red blood alpha ,most powerful alpha of the werewolf world
Amelia : Mew's sister and only his family
Puifai : Mew's Alpha 
Arthith Alex Natasha as mewgulf's  triplet babies

Mew grunted as he felt something bouncing on the bed
Arthith,Alex !!! Mew slurred and pulled the young boy's legs ,even without opening his eyes,he knew,they are the only ones who will bother to disturb him in his sleep apart from Gulf, at times when he feels naughty.

He locked the small boys, close to his chest while they wriggled and fought to let go of Mew's strong hands around them
Awww! Mew grunted as the boys punched him in stomach playfully and escaping from his powerful clutches
Just like their mom
You cant beat me dada  ,Alex giggled
Yes I have my Yes I have my Pappa's super strength ,Arthit yelled the young boys jumped off from the bed and said to Mew who was looking annoyingly at the them.

Mew sat up rubbing his eyes, the young boys jumped and ran around the room talking to the figurines displayed all around the room
Mews eyes followed the boys ,he smiled,
They looks like me,but the only similarity that they have with me is the love of these figurines Mew thought as he yawned.

He lazily gets up from the bed and walk down the stairs not bothering to change his PJs with Alex and Arthit bickering  and towing behind him.
He heard giggles from the kitchen
The aroma of freshly made chicken sandwitch makes his mouth water
Gulf had proven to be a micahlein chefAnd he had used his new skill to completely melt Amelia with his recepies Who dosent even liked looking at Gulf earlier .
Now mated with an alpha of a  nearby pack and being pregnant with their first child Amelia always demanded Gulf for food.
Gulf still afraid of Amelia even after they are became best of friends made everything he demanded without complaining.She often treated him like her personal chef Mew would joke

Mew leaned at the door frame,
Gulf was swaying his hips dancing to the music while he stirred the chicken on the stove making the young girl who is seated on the counter laugh her heart out.

Mew walked even without making a small sound reached Gulf's back
Trying to backhug him
You up ?Gulf asked without even turning before Mew could lay hands on him
Mew pouted  huffing ,you always do this,He whined.
I am a werewolf Mew, so are you
Do you think hide and seek is a good game?
Gulf asked smirking at his pouty mate.
Mew continued pouting And  this made Natasha laugh even more.
Dada is like a baby ,she said her baby voice
Gulf laughed at this and Mew made grabby hands at the little girl acting like a lion
She giggled as Mew tickles her and rotaes her around like an airplane
Pappa, we escaped Dada strong hands
Alex said proudly
Ya we punched and he let go Arthit added showing how he punched
Oh you are strong boys just like me Gulf  patting their head lovingly he raises them as they hanging on his bicepas And kitchen filled with giggles and laughter.

They enjoys the food, the boys gobbles down the food while Natasha eats enjoying each bite.
Slow down Mew said
Its slow Alex replied stuffing his mouth with one more sandwitch
There is enough boys eat slow Gulf also warned his tone strict.
Mew Gulf and the triplets were now seated at the small table in their comfy little cottage and
Even though the pack house was nearby they preffered living peacefully in the small and beautiful home.

The triplets now 5 attended the pack school at the border with All the other kids from all werwwolf packs .
It was a shock to everybody when Mew became pregnant with the triplets.It was great a miracle
Amelia examined him and found out that as Mew was mated with the only true blood alpha born in an almost a century his body was special and thats why he was the most powerful beta .

The triplets operated out by Amelia and were born as alphas, but they started showing great power when they were just two year
To everybody's further amusement they were proved to be true blood Alphas just like their father.

They finished the breakfast and got ready for their daily duties.
Gulf as the alpha of his pack had great responsiblities that he fulfied
Even though Mew was now the luna of the Slaucavier pack he was also Puifai's beta which made him play both the roles alternately in both packs.Also Gulf as the red blood alpha took care of the every werewolf packs .

Mew and Gulf helped the kids get ready and got themselves ready for the busy day ahead
Mew pulled Gulf and held him close as he  stood infront of miror dressing
Meww!! Gulf whined
What ?Mew asked challengingly
He raised eyebrows at the squiming GulfAnd placed sniffing kisses all over his face.He then slowly leaned close his gaze never laebing the dark brown eyes of his mate
He could see the love and longing there.Gulf stopped squirming as he was caught in the magical gaze. His eyes automatically shifted towards Mew's lips Which made Mew chuckle. Some things never changed.

You want a kiss tu en rak ? Mew teased Gulf whined at Mew's teasing and he leaned in catching Mew's hair on back ,his alpha side kicking in and pulling Mew hungrily closer for a deep kiss.Never challenge a red bloor Alpha , i dominate ...he whispered.biting Mews ears he whispered.

Ewwww dadaâ ...papp....they heard sound from the door and pulled back suddenly.
The triplets stood their carrying their backpacks ready for school
Gulf shyly hid behind Mew as Natasha and Alex covered their eyes with their small hands
But Arthit was not bothered, he just smiled shyly at his parents

Why you smiling ? Mew asked
Nothing. Arthit said acting cool
He is smiling because he alredy kissed Natasha whispers to Alex pointing at Arthit who was smiling shyly.Arthit gasps dramatically and looks at his brother and sister accusingly.
You promised to keep the sceret he pouts.They chat in whisper forming a small circle.But it didn't escape their parents very sharp ears.

Both Mew and Gulf breath hitch
Arthit! Mew calls amused
Who did you kiss baby? Gulf crouches down and askes at the now blushing Arthit but he just blushes
Mew changes his expressions looking strict
Natasha he calls, he knew is the one from whom he can extract any secrets
While Alex was sassy and outgoing like Type Arthit was a little shy and more  reserved like Gulf.
But both of them very naughty kids, once they get comfortable and mirrored each other most of the time just like Gulf and his wolf .
Natasha was sweet and clingy and naughty like Mew who likes attention.
I will teach you some special moves he bribes his  little girl

Her face lights up
Arthit kissed kongpob  on lips while playing wedding she supplies. proudly patting her brother for the good job.She said giggling
Mews eyes bulge out
Kongpob is puifai and Champ's son
Oh my god puifai gonna kill me he thinks and looks at Gulf horrified
Gulf who is now laughing at his mate's horror stricken face
Like dada, like son .... Gulf smirks,enjoying his mates misery.
Get ready to get punished he laughs as he walked out with the kids
Please savee my pungateee tu en rak Mew runs after him.


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