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≈≈≈≈(Werewolf human universe)≈≈

Mew panted his pain in his lungs was becoming unbearable.
But he couldn't stop now or else the hunters would kill him
Damn this humans.....
I would have ripped your head off if i could....
He thought with rage
But the truth was that he couldn't
Since he was an omega
All he could do was run for life
But his lighting speed was surely a blessing
Even though he was a tall and muscled man,his wolf was lean and elegant with pure white fur with a little black heart on his right ear.
What's that black heart why not pure white he often asked himself for fun
God is very mischievous.

He jumped across a large trench and ran towards the waterfall
He stood to catch his breath for a moment
Which way to go now?

In Front of him was a large mountain
It's vain to climb up.....
It will take time.....
I have to hide.....
He thought while catching his breath

He looked around quickly
He could hear the bark of hunting hounds following his smell
He suddenly saw a small cave behind the waterfall
His werewolf senses helped him
He had to slice through the milky waterfall to get into it
He ran right through the water careful not to hit the thorny sharp rocks right behind the milky ice cold water

His spine shivered and his fur coat drenched from the water
He crawled into the narrow cave opening.
There was no way a human or any large animal could slide into this cave,only wolves or other small animals can crawl in

Thank god now they will not follow me
He sighed with a shiver his body was shaking with fear and cold.

The interior of the cave was humid,water pooled on the floor of the cave
The passage went on a little distance and suddenly the cave become wider
Light seeped through the holes on the roof of the cave
The thorny rocks at the front started to appear more carved

As Mew slowly walked inside the passage became wider and the cave became more spacious as he went further
The cave started to show up blue stalagites

They were like stars in the sky
Wow what a beautiful view,Mew thought

As he walked few carved steps showed up
He jumped up the steps and the cave showed a small opening that opened to a
the valley was full white flowers

Mew stood there a moment in the bright sunlight that showered upon him

Now where to?,he asked himself
It wasn't like he has got a family or friends to return to
His whole pack was killed by another pack in a rivalry war
When he was a little cub
His mother managed to save his life by hiding him in a tree hole
After hours of howling and crying one rouge beta wolf found him
It was that beta who helped him to survive and taught him to hunt
After he could sustain on his own they parted their ways as the rouge finally met his mate and joined his pack

From then until now,he was a rouge
He had to fight and run numerous times as to escape being caught or killed by humans or other werewolf

He walked forward seiving through through the flowers.
He was getting hungry
I should hunt he thought to himself as he entered the forest
He heard a small sound
A rabbit!,his nose caught the sweet smell of meat
His stomach rumbled and his mouth watered in memory of food
He slowly approached the rabbit but he accidentally stepped on a broken twig

Shitt!the rabbit ran away
He jumped and chased the rabbit the white fur balls bounced through the thick luscious trees
He jumped high in the air and caught the rabbit by its ears as he was about to rip its throat

he heard a growl
He froze on spot
7 wolfs had surrounded him,
he was so focused on chasing the rabbit due to his hunger that he forgot to check for pack boundaries

Mew Gulf One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now