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Gulf left the room huffing and puffing. Probably to the kitchen
Mew didnt knew to where

The luna laughed seeing her son go

"Such a brat", she said smiling
"He is just jealous that i showered all my attention on you,rather than him".

Mew just smiled watching the loving mother,
He felt a pain in his chest
My mother would have loved me like this once,he thought
His throat constricted in pain.
He suddenly sipped on the coffee inorder to mask his brimming eyes
And walked to the window asif looking out of the lucious green forest
Tears brimmed at his eyes
He couldn't even recall his mother's face or her warmth

All he could remember was a blank image

He bite his lips to stop his emotions from coming outside

"You can go out with gulf after breakfast,
"Get to know his friends.....
"There are alphas,betas and omegas
And i will tell type to protect you from other alphas so,don't worry",

She turned and went to the cupboard to grab another pair of clothing for Mew

Mew quickly wiped off his eyes and finished his coffee
"Go and take a bath", she ordered handing the clothes to Mew
Mew obidently took the clothes muttering a thankyou
Luna cooed at his humbleness
After shower he went down to the dinning room where everyone was already seated

On seeing Mew luna came and assisted him to the chair near gulf
Gulf observed his mother and Mew with jealousy.
His mother was never this soft with him.
She always curses and shouts orders at him even though she always stood by his side

And now,see the double standards......treating the omega like he is a princess
He huffed and bit grudgingly into the chicken leg he was having

The breakfast was over with Gulf trying to grab his mother's attention from mew over silly things and luna placing heaps of chicken legs in Mew's plate

"Eat ",she ordered "you need your strength".
"Strength what for ",Mew was confused. Gulf was also confused hearing this
She patted his head lovingly encouraging mew to eat

He loved the food all his life he had eaten raw food that he hunt down
Cooked food and flavours made his swoon

After breakfast,gulf grabbed his football and walked out
"Where to?",luna questioned

"To play", He showed the football and replied

"Take him with you ",she said pushing mew forward

"What is he gonna do?",
"He was a rouge mom......he dont know what is football".

"You teach him",
She said clearing the table
Gulf was aware that arguing with his mother was of no use

Come on what are you waiting for he called looking at mew who was just standing like a statue.
He slowly followed gulf
"Take care of him", gulf heard his mother calling from behind

They walked to the back of the pack house and there was a big clearing there
There were few boys at one end of the ground
Gulf went directly to them and high fived
"Who is this?",the smallest dude among them asked looking at Mew
Standing there akwardly
"Oh this is the rouge i told you about".

"Ohh the new omega in the pack....",the small guy smiled
He extended his arm towards mew
Mew hesitated a moment but slowly gave his hands to shook
"I am techno..',.he said
"Mew ..he said smiling shyly
Then the other guys also came forward and shook hands with Mew
And finally a tall and built guy as handsome as Gulf came forward
He shook Mew 's hands
He grabbed Mew's hands a little bit more hard

Mew Gulf One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now