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Type's eyes were dropping ... A daze covered his mind ... He could feel his consciousness slowly leaving him ...
Before closing his eyes all he could see was tall man in an all black attire and a sports bike and then everything went dark around him

You leave him and run ...i will let you go .. Tharn said his eyes fixed on Type's unconscious figure held by the man ... A dagger currently held against Types's neck ....Tharn started walking forward
Don't don't come near me ... Or else I won't hesitate ... The man pressed the dagger a little deep on Type's neck
Causing blood to splash . Tharn suddenly stopped ,he froze ,his body shivered seeing Type's blood .
He felt fear, for the first time ,after so many years ... Don't... He said gritting his teeth ...his voice deep and hard...trying hard not to kill the man

A gun sound echoed in the dark the thousands of pigeons that rested on the bridge flocked in groups creating a flapping sounds ...
The man that held Type had a perfect gunshot in his forehead. The fell sideways leaving Type to fall forward
Tharn dashed forward and caught Type
What a perfect shot ! Voice echoed from behind and tharn whipped his head anf saw a tall man as tall as himself coming out from the dark
Thorn he was amazed as he saw his brother getting off from his black BMW
His eyes were fixed on the man lying dead on the ground ...
He crouched near to he man and quickly checked the dead man's body .He rubbed his chin with the pistol he was holding ... Not one of our usual enemies ... This one's a rookie.. he said ... Scooping out some kind of ID card from the guys jacket
So the attacker was aiming him ?i thought they came for thanya. asked Tharn confused ... As he bandaged Types wound on the neck
He pressed his hand tightly inorder to stop bleeding
May be ... Thorn said standing beside his brother who cradled the unconscious type in his arms.
Who is this guy ...he asked looking at his brother who couldn't take his eyes off the boy
My student ,Tharn said getting up carrying Type... struggling and Thorn laughed at him
You should workout more, he said as he opened the car door for him Mew placed and got into the drivers seat
Fuck off Tharn said his eyes fixed on type lying in the back
By the way why are you back suddenly
You were supposed to be on wedding dress shopping ...
Thorn rolled his eyes and let out a deep sigh defeated look on his face
My girl had became a bridezilla after all the shopping so we decided to stay away a few days
And i came to know that my sweetest little brother is out without any security ...how can i not come Thorn said a cocky smirk adorning his face
Tharn shook his head at his brothers teasing attitude and started the engine
The car flashed and vanished into the list lonely night highway

"SLAP" the sound echoed in the private chamber of the mansion.
Thanya covered her cheeks ... It was burning .Her mother's eyes bore holes ...she was afraid even to raise her eyes and look at her
How dare you ... Her mothers voice spitted venom...she held to Thanya by back of her throat and pulled her forward forcing her to look into her eyes
How can you be so stupid ..you tried to threw away years of my sacrifice..
She yelled pushing Thanya back causing her to tumble back and fall to the ground
You hired some rookie assassins to kill
Your brothers Little bitch She laughed, unbelievable
He is not my brother Thanya spitted her voice starined
Yes he is dear ... He is your big brother...if you want to live this life of luxury...she said looking at her one and only daughter
You see all these glitz and glimmer she said pointing all around them ...
You think your shit hole father can give us all these ..no ...thanya she caressed her cheeks
Thanya shivered her mother was the most unpredictable person ahe had ever seen
She was very bipolar...
One moment she was the sweetest next moment she wont even hesitate to kill you if it goes against her plans.
My dear daughter ...never do this again or i wont forgive you ...
She whispered slowly in her ears and walked out leaving Thanya on the cold floor

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