The drunk kitten (mew gulf)

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Mature warning
Slight slight smut but Not much

Type woke up late
He smiled feeling the hard chest beneath his body
Tharn was sleeping like a baby
yesterday type had a football match in which they won by 4 -1
Type scored 2 goals and was over the moon with happiness
He got drunk and celebrated the victory and tharn accompanied him after his gig at the club

"Hey's your head tharn asked no headache ?". tharn asked softly opening his eyes
"Yup ,but not ,much" type replied rolling over and stretching like a cat

Tharn stood up from the bed and started walking towards the restroom
Type layed back on the bed as he was feeling very tired and lazy so he decided to sleep a little more

That's when type saw the red marks on tharn's board back and hickies on his sideneck
Hey tharn what's the mark on your back ?he called after tharn
Huh? ",tharn turned back
"What's the marks on your back?", type repeated his question
Tharn stood there and looked at type unbelievably for a second
He was confused
"You don't remember?".
"Rember what ? ",Type asked
Now he was the one acting confused
"Really you can't recall what you did yesterday ".
"Huh what did I do yesterday ?"
He can't tried hard to recall
He remember watching tharn playing drums drinking with techno ,a girl dancing in skimpy clothes at the bar,
Boat fighting with techno over fried chicken ,kissing tharn on tharn on car and and ....
He couldn't recall any thing after that

"Humm .... He held his head as he couldn't remember anything that happened after they got into the car drunk.

Tharn started laughing" really type, you can't remember anything after you got into the car?"

Type looked at the laughing tharn
It eas really confusing for him
"Tharn ....why are you laughing what did I do?"

"Oh my god !you don't remember ? , that's good ,I will keep the memory to myself as you can't remember anything" ,
Tharn was laughing so hard
Type stood up and approched tharn
He pinned tharn to the nearby wall

"Then you won't get to do it tomorrow ".
How's that ?", type smirked and raised his eybrow challenging tharn

Tharn suddenly stopped laughing he looked unbelievably at type
"What you are blackmailing me with that ......,
"Common type don't be a spoilsport ....
It's not fair !!".tharn chidded

"Haha ", type laughed evilly
"All is fair in love and war tharn,
You won't get to do that unti; you tell me what happened after I got drunk ".

"Hum... You ",
Tharn was hesitant
"What did I do tharn" type asked
"You ...," Tharn was getting a liitle bit shy
His cheeks showed slight blush
"You tried to give me a lap dance".

"Whattt ",type yelled and stepped back in shock
His eyes almost bulged in horror
,"No way, tharn you are lying".

"See you are not believing what i said that why I didn't tell you".

"Hiya tharn ,what are you saying ,

"I tried to have you a lap dance,
no way !!!
That's not ,my style".

"That's what I thought too but...
that was what happened".

"But ..why will I do something like that?",
Type put his hand on his head he was really confused

"I am not sure but you were saying something like anniversary gift ",

Type looked at tharn shocked
Did he really did that
Oh my god
He suddenly covered his face and sat on the bed. All the things he did the previous night came rushing to his memory one by one

After getting into the car he started singing along with the song aloud the whole way
And tharn carried him into the room and put him on bed
Tharn went to change his dress in the restroom
Type sat up he was slightly sober now he looked at tharn who came back with a wet towel and a change of clothes for type he was not wearing any shirt
Type suddenly felt hot seeing tharn's perfectly chiseled body
Tharn started wetting types body with the wet towel bit type was not having any of it
He suddenly realising how much tharn cared for him

On Their anniversary tharn took him on a special date at the seaside resturant where they had a lovely dinner under the stars
And what did he do?,he just bought tharn a bouquet of roses
Even though tharn was very happy with the roses type always felt that his gift was not sufficient and he suddenly felt sad remembering it
I should makeup for it he quickly decided

Type suddenly pulled tharn by his hand forcing him to sit on the bed
Tharn was shocked
"Type ,What Are You Doing?" Tharn asked
"Shusshhh ....",type placed his finger on tharns lips and stood up
He slowly started unbuttoning his shirt when it was fully unbuttoned he let it fall to the ground
Tharm gulped seeing type's seductive expression
Type slowly took tharn's hand and placed it on his chest ,he moved the hand down his stomach as if he was guiding and letting tharn explore it
Tharn let out a deep breath his lips slowly parted and he forgot to breath
Type the let tharn's hand go and slowly started taking off his shorts
Tharn was breathless by type's show
He couldn't move his eyes or utter a
single word
He sat on bed like a statue watching type
Type was now wearing only his boxers and he slowly day on tharn's lap and placed his chin on tharn's shoulder
" I am going to give you another anniversary gift", he spoke in a low voice near tharns ear
"Meow!!", type purred in his deep voice
Tharn shivered and let out a struggled Breath
Type kissed tharns slowly neck and then he bit on tharns ear pulling it slowly
Tharn was going crazy
He was soo turned on
But he didn't dared to interept type
It's not everyday type acted this bold so he sat back and decided to let type
Type moved his hands all over tharn's broad back
Tharn felt type's nail scratching his back type was acting like a fierce kitten
He shivered from the sensation goosebumps erupted all over his body
Type started kissing his side neck
Slightly nibbling and sucking
Slowly slowly his kisses grew less forced and he stilled
Tharn turned his head slightly and saw that type had slowly fallen asleep while nibbling on his neck
His lips slightly opened still kissing his side neck
Tharn chuckled seeing type with his flushed cheeks asleep like a baby
"you little kitten monster
Sleeping after making me all horny",
Tharn mumbled.

He slowly stood up and put type to bed and climbed to the other side of bed
Type suddenly rolled and cuddled tharn
Tharn cudddled him in his arms tightly
And slowly fell asleep smiling

Type now remember everything so clearly
He was so red from embarrassement
He didn't dare to raise his head to look at tharn

Tharm chuckled seeing how cute and flushed type was
It was soo rare to see his fierce boyfriend shy
He sat by his side and raised type's face placing a finger under his chin
"I loved your anniversary gift
You should give me gifts like that more often ".
He said kissing type's cheeks
He moved his lips near types ear
"Meowww....", tharn purred .

I know there is alot of mistakes in my language
I am sorry
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