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"Yeey!!we won ",techno jumped up and down going mad with happiness, He ran to mew and hugged him.
It was the first time a friend has hugged him .He was startled and uncomfortable at first,but seeing Mild's joy mew smiled contently.

"See gulf,he is damn talented",
Mild said to Gulf proudly,who was still trying to comprehend what just happened
Everybody came running and they engulfed Mew in a group hug,patted and congratulated him continuously
Mew felt shy in the attention he was receiving.

San and team scoffed and glared at Mew
Mild didn't lose the opportunity to show San his place .He teased san to his heart's content

Mew also got invited to champ's birthday party.
He was very happy,
For the first time in his life he was appreciated and accepted .He didn't felt lonely at the moment
He didn't have to be afraid of the enemies
He smiled happily
His heart filled with happiness

"What are you smiling at rouge?,
"You scored a goal accidentally and you think you have friends here ",San scoffed
"You just impressed that fools doesn't mean you are part of our pack,
"You are just a rouge got that,
"You pathetic bitch,
"You will soon go back to where you belong,
San whispered at Mew,as he was standing alone at a corner waiting for Gulf

Mew couldn't say anything
He froze at sans nearness and words
It hurt,he couldn't reply to san
His eyes started tearing up and he looked down

"Whats going on San ?" Gulf asked coming back

"Oh nothing I was just congratulating him
On his perfomance
Aren't I Mew ?",San said patting Mew's shoulder Mew just stood there unable to move and San walked away as if he did nothing.

"Lets go..."
Gulf walked forward, Mew stood there
He could'nt move,
The happiness in his heart was all gone in an instant San's words rang in his heart

I don't belong here......
I am just a rouge....
This is not my home.....
I am just an orphan I will always be
His smile was long gone
Reality came crushing back at him

"Heyy,you coming or not?"Gulf came back and touched Mew's shoulder
A jolt of electricity passed through Mew's body he gasped and looked at gulf
Gulf but seemed nonchalant

"Why are you crying?",Gulf enquired
tears were streaming down Mew's face but he could'nt wipe it
Gulf's eyes were like magnets that drew him to its depths ,He felt gulfs breath that made him shiver
Goosebumps rose all over his body

Gulf slowly raised his hands and touched mews cheeks gently
He wiped away mews tears carefully
"Don't let p san make you feel like this,ok?",
"He is an asshole and just want to get into your pants",
Gulf said and slowly wiping away Mew's teary eyes
Mew sniffled
Gulf chuckled and put his arms through Mew's shoulders
"Don't let mae know that you were crying or I am gonna die",
Gulf joked as he lead mew to the pack house.

Mew blushed as gulf hugged him close to him while walking
His cheeks a deep shade of pink

They reached the pack house,
Luna was sitting on the couch reading through some old documents.
She looked up as soon as she heard footsteps .Her eyes widen as she saw gulf hugging the omega close and walking in
"Here mae your precious baby safe and sound",
He said sarcastically
But Luna's gaze was fixed only on Mew her eyes widen as she saw mew blushing in Gulf's embrace
She smirked knowingly
"I am gonna take a bath",
Gulf said taking off his Jersey and throwing it in the laundry basket
Mew blushed evem harder as he saw Gulf's naked torso .He gasped and peeked at gulf as he ran up the stairs
"Mew ",Luna called and Mew was startled he was afraid that Luna was angry as she caught him watching her son

"You like him?",
Luna asked curtly pushing up her spec and observing Mew
Mew gasped at the sudden question
He trembled anxiety

"Sit down ",she ordered
Mew walked and sat down opposite her
His heart thumped like crazy in dread of her anger
"You like gulf?",
She asked again
Mew didn't answer he just kept his head low
"I asked you", Luna's voice raised
Mew was startled again
"Y... Yes", he said shaking in fear

"So... You want to be his omega",
She asked agin
"Uh!!""",Mew couldn't believe what Luna had said
What did she just asked whether I wanted to be his omega
"Do you?"she repeted
Mew just kept staring dumbfound at the Luna as if she was gone mad

"I know you like him,
"And you are this pack member now
"So I can take decision.....,
"You will undergo omega training,
as you will be this packs next luna
"And till you complete this training don't let Gulf know about this got it?",
Luna ordered

Mew was like half dead over what just happened
Me?!!!!Luna of this pack?
Gulfs mate?
His heart was racing

"I... Don't...",.he started to say
He was doubtful and sad.....
He liked gulf....
Gulf made his heart beat like crazy
His nearness made butterflies erupt in his tummy
It was a lovely feeling that he never felt before

"I am just a rouge,how could I be next luna?",
He asked slowly

"You like him....,
"'You are an omega
And that's enough for a luna
Rouge or not doesn't matter",
"This is an order ",Luna said
Staring at Mew challenging him to oppose her words one more time .

"You will start omega training from the elder of the pack tomorrow itself
Wake up at sharp 5 OK",
She said getting up and folding the papers .
and went back to the office

Mew sat there for many hours analysing his situation
He liked gulf
He wanted this feeling to last
He wanted friends for once in his life
He may be selfish but.....he never wanted to be lonely again

So if I must stay here
So is should follow Luna's order
He decided at last..
Omega training it is

One more part that's it,i am concluding this
Sorry that its not a one shot.....
Once i started writing this i couldn't end this halfway and abruptly
I felt that the flow of the story is not there
So it became a four shot
Please do comment your opinions and
Feel free to criticize 🤣

Have anyone watched tale of 1000 stars?
Earthmix couple is hella cute right?

Have anyone watched tale of 1000 stars?Earthmix couple is hella cute right?

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