Birthday boy (Ae Pete)

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Pete just got out from the shower and he was wearing his bathrob when the doorbell rang he heard the signature knock that ae had made to know that it was him

He was really protective of Pete after the night when his toxic ex attacked him

He made sure that Pete didn't open the door unless he heard their code
Pete opened the door and smiled sweetely at his cute tired boyfriend .

Ae had football practice till late night since it was weekend and reigonals were coming
"Ae Khap....." , Pete sweetely hugged ae kissing him on cheek
He was getting more and more bold as. Time passed
"Aye ! ;Pete don't hug me I am covered in sweat", ae said trying to free from Pete's hug
Pete pouted cutely "Pete missed ae "
He said in baby voice

"Aww" ae pinched Pete's cheek
He could never resist Pete's cuteness everytime
"Let me take a shower quickly na
Then let's order dinnner and then let's sleep, it's really late "ae said walking towards the bathroom.

Pete looked sadly at the retreating ae
He felt really sad
Today was his birthday
Did ae really forgot ?
Even pond wished him
But not ae. he hadn't said a single wish to him
And he didn't even get his daily kiss since ae left early in the morning

Ae must be really stressed otherwise he wouldn't have forgotten
Pete tried to reason himself
But he couldn't stop feeling sad
He didn't wanted any gifts but he wanted all the special attention and kisses that ae will give him on special days
He pouted and sat on the bed
Ae finished showering and came out drying his hair with a towel
He finished dressing and came and sat down near Pete
Pete didn't raise his head as tears were prickling in his eyes
He didn't want Ae to see his tears
He felt that he was acting childish but he really felt sad not getting Ae 's attention
Ae smirked seeing his cute boyfriend pouting and upset
He had been planning on the surprise one month before Pete's birthday
He wiped off his funny smile and continued on with the act
Come on pete lets eat dinner I am really hungry he said walking towards the dinning room
He turned back and saw Pete still sitting in bed he went back and patted his hung head
Aye Pete ,
Pete on Ae's touch got more emotional and he started sobbing in tiny
Ae ....he whimpered in between the sobbs
He was really sad now
Hey hey baby why are you crying Ae said in so soft voice and bend down to ground level that he can see his cute boyfriend's face
Pete was sobbing in between tears little now
"Ae forgot Pete's birthday
Ae didn't give Pete birthday kiss" sobbed while pouting like a baby

Ae felt like his heart break seeing his bunny boyfriend sobbing
Heyy heyy he hugged Pete tightly to his chest
Pete wrapped his hands around Ae's waist and and pressed his face on his tummy
Ae feel like crying and smiling at the same time
his boyfriend really yeaned his attention
He felt his heart swelling with love
Sooo Pete is crying not because ae forgot your birthday but because you didn't get your birthday kiss and attention he asked taking Pete's face in his hands
Pete looked up at ae with his red face from crying and nodded in tiny
Ae couldn't help but smile bright at the cutest boy in the whole universe
Suddenly they heard a knock on the door
Wait na Pete
Ae freed himself from Pete's hold and went to answer the door
Pete sat there aimlessly now that his sobbes had stopped he sniffled his nose due to the crying
Ae came back
He was carrying a basket
Pete looked at ae and then at the basket
Close your eyes ae ordered
Ae... Pete said hesitant
Close baby :ae said his voice deepening
Pete shivered slightly at the tone change and immediately closed his eyes
He waited and something wet was felt on his nose open your eyesnow .
Infront of him was a tiny golden retriever puppy
Pete squeled in excitnent and took the puppy from Ae's arm he hugged and kissed the dog bouncing slightly on bed where he was sitting
Ae ....Pete called in excitment
Ae was smiling like a mad man seeing his boyfriend s exciting smile
So do you like the gift
Ae asked petting the puppy
Oh I love it ae said pete squealing like a kid
He always begged his mae for a puppy
But it was the only thing his mother never bought him because his father loathed animals
He hugged ae with one hand and kissed him on lips
Ae was shocked at first and then laughed shyly
Ae grabbed the puppy from Pete's arm and placed it back on the basket

Then he slowly approched Pete he carassed Pete's lips with his fingers
He bend down and kissed Pete pouring all his love in a kiss
They kissed for what seem like hours finally when the had to break apart out of breath
Ae bit pete's ear making Pete shiver
so baby got his birthday kiss is baby happy now he said seductively
Into Pete's ear
Pete's breath hitched as ae slowly made him look lay back on bed
Now ae is gonna pay his full attention on baby
Do baby like that ae said his voice so deep that Pete felt a whimper left from his throat
It was obviously gonna be a sleepless birthday night for Pete he was sure of that

I know there is alot of mistakes in my language
I am sorry
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