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Tharn huffed and stormed into the department room.
Assistant prof San turned as soon as he heard powerful footsteps. he stopped and observed Tharn for a moment and opened his mouth
"NOT A WORD...." Tharn mumbled as he split open his shirt and put on a new one from his cupboard .
San tried hard to muffle his laughing
"Who bathed you in coffee this morning ?"
"Some new bratty kids". Tharn mumbled his voice showing irritation
"Oh seems like they haven't heard about the sexy devil "
San said in a cheeky tone as his eyes sauntered over Tharn's ripped body
"Eyes up here San". Tharn turned putting on the buttons
"Oh hehe sorry it's not everyday that you put on a show like this"
"Anyone who is the reason, may live long ",
San joked.
"Get me the new admission forms ,San .
"Please don't start ... They are kids Tharn, just leave it ... They will apologize once they know you" San said coming closer and putting on the last buttons
"What about you take me on a date this weekend ..". San asked looking into Tharn's eyes expectedly
"How about losing your life "
Tharn asked pushing off Sans hands off from his chest .
"You are no fun", Tharn San pouted
"Being ,Mafia is no kids play San .....
Stay away from me", Tharn walked out .
Mild and Type settled in the boy's dorm as part of their learning how to live a real life initiative.Mild often whined about the rough mattress and lack of cooling in their dorm room's old ac, but Type saw it as a new-found freedom.
He was content as a free bird, away from his father's protection on the island he ruled, which often resulted in the release of his inner mischievous child.

He frequently skipped classes and stayed out as late as he could. His last name, Phattwakun, doesn't bother him here because all of his data has been hidden, including his last name. He frequently visited nightclubs and had random one-night stands.He would mostly pass out drunk and woke up the next day with no recollection of the previous night.
Mild is always busy running his business, so he spends most of the night alone. He made a point of attending Tharn Thara kirigun's classes just to annoy the handsome professor.
Professor Tharn's classes were actually becoming his favorites because they involved frequent interaction with the professor, heated and interesting arguments , who was constantly trying to shoot him down with questions.
But, because Type is a smart ass, he escapes all questions with a smirk that says, "i am smart and i know it. " It gives him great joy to watch his professor's furious expression when he runs his brilliant mouth.He made it a point to smile broadly and wish Tharn whenever he saw him on campus, eliciting irritated looks from Tharn.

Mild, Type and his new friend and Champ were happily chatting and eating lunch when they heard a bunch of girls chuckle and pass by, Mild's sight, followed by a female with long hair who looked quite cute.
"Aren't they our classmates? , Mild asked Type and Champ who were chowing down on their lunch, the football match had reawakened his inner food demon.
"Yes, we're , and would you mind if we joined you? ", he heard a sweet voice and raised his head.
A lovely young lady with long auburn hair appeared in front of them, flanked by a group of young ladies carrying their meal platters.Champ shook his head and patted his head as Mild choked on his food and began coughing."Please take a seat", Type said, "Hi, I'm Thanya, " as she sat next to the Type and near Mild.
Type couldn't help but notice the girl; something intriguing about her piqued his interest. "i'm Type, that's Mild and Champ, " he introduced casually as he ate.
Every girl had her gaze fixated on one of the boys, mainly Type.He was wearing a tank top and bit of his chest  muscles were on display. He was a little nervous because he could feel a lot of eyes on his biceps.
Likewise, he continued to eat his lunch, looking down. Thanya was a friendly girl, and Type felt very at ease talking to her.

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