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The hospital felt chilly but nothing ever felt cold as the fear of hearing of those words
Shivers ran through his veins as he stood frozen....
Your father's condition is a bit serious
Let's hope for the best ..  the doctor
Had tapped Type's shoulders and walked away
He sat in the lonely hospital hallway dimly lit
Clutching his hands close to his heart
Fear... Fear was the only emotion he could feel ... His father is about to leave  him alone and cold in this world like once his birth mother had left him .... Until his foster parents adopted him and made him his whole world now he is going to be lonely again
No... No... If there is anyway to stop this lord please i beg you... He clenched his hands and prayed ...
Thats when it hit him ...
Maybe ... Nooo ... But i have to.....he stood up and rush through the cold hospital his feet moving on its own ... He was panting as he somehow pushed  open the door  and entered their  old  cottage house

He ran up the stairs the attic was above his father's bedroom he ran in and pulled down the handle that opened the attic door that pushed out an old iron ladder into the dark room with an unpleasant screech

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He ran up the stairs the attic was above his father's bedroom he ran in and pulled down the handle that opened the attic door that pushed out an old iron ladder into the dark room with an unpleasant screech

He ran up the stairs the attic was above his father's bedroom he ran in and pulled down the handle that opened the attic door that pushed out an old iron ladder into the dark room with an unpleasant screech

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He coughed a load of dust fell onto his face
It has been years since he had stopped cleaning the attic ,he could still remember the day his father threw away the candles in anger ... The day he stopped his doing exorcism ... The day his foster mother died ..and his father realised that he failed to bring her back.
That's the day the attic door and magic disappeared from their life ...

He quickly ran up the old squeaky ladder nothing registered in his mind the darkness ,
The dust ,the squeaky ladder nothing he had to find the book ... He had is the last resort ...
The book layed in the farthest corner of the attic ,covered on dust and it cover damp and mouldy
The book was torn most of its pages lost and damped by the water seeping through the old attic yet those pages with the drops of blood remained yellow but untouched protecting the web of secrets .. the keys of two worlds  in its pages .
Type's hand trembled as he picked it up
He wasnt allowed to touch  it... It was a warning  from his father ...
Once you touch this you fall into the eternal darkness ....he had said ...

The candles were almost burned out

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The candles were almost burned out ... It was midnight , the salt star  sparkled under the light .... Type shivered as he clutched the rose in his hands , standing in the center .. Of the salt star ,wearing only a white shirt .

I offer you  my life breath and destiny to return his life ... He chanted as he clutched the rose tightly the blood dropped  as thorns pricked into his palms
Blood drops made the pristine white salt in red The candles burnt low as they were about to go out

 He chanted as he clutched the rose tightly the blood dropped  as thorns pricked into his palms Blood drops made the pristine white salt in red The candles burnt low as they were about to go out

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Type kept his eyes shut as he chanted the words that rang in his ears a only one time before ...
Flames had started to engulf the book and it rose into a flame .....before type could do anything the whole book engulfed in fire.
and everything sunk into pitch drakness.

Nothing was dark anymore the only thing that his eyes could find were white ...pure mesmerizing white ...which world is this ? Type groaned as his body pained like he had been hit by a truck ...
He sat up and looked around .. he was lying on a table in a room ...
Oh hi he jumped at the sudden sound
Oh oh calm down ... The small figure again dress in an all white and his hair almost grey white jumped back as Type looked at him horrified
The figure was a man ... Pale as dead ...
Type couldn't even see of his eyelashes it was the man was fully white
Type cradled his arms his head spinning with all the light ....
Hey hey dont stress you will pass out again the man said his voice boyish and screechy
Where am i ?that were the only things type could get out as his head throbbed
He tried to look around.. the space was completely white ... No other colours... It seemed looking into an endless ocean of white ...
Hmm i dont know what to say ... The man replied as he drew his eyes all over type
What do you mean? Is this some kind of jock ? Am i kidnapped or something Type asked his eyes slowly adjusting to the white ness
Why would you be kidnapped ? The man asked now at a hands distance and his tone changing into a distant one that the initial shock had weared off
Type couldn't think of anything ... The only memory he had was the long hospital hallway and the doctors voice echoing ... Lets hope ...

Comeon lets go, meet the boss the small pale man said as he heard a gentle hum ...
Type didn't hear anything and the pale man started walking without further words
Type's legs felt chilly as he walked behind the man he couldn't utter a single word he just followed like a child

They stopped infront of another door this too white ...the doors opened automatically and they stepped in the change in temperature was immediate ... Cold chilly air washed over them like a mountain of snow had fallen upon them .
The room was big as... It was was an office ... All the furnitures inside were pure white which made Type squint his eyes
The light coming through the large glass window on one side  but the view beyond the  glass was   ... Yes you guessed it right pure white like the clouds
Something moved from the large glass window ... It was only then type noticed a man who had been standing there ... He was tall , built and muscular wide shoulders
His slightly long hair slick back his dark black eyes locked on Type as he stood frozen . The man walked towards him , he had a champagne glass in his hands .... He slowly reached near Type ... His eyes never leaving type ... A mystic smile played on his face .... Like he could read mind ...
He gently reached for Type's hands which felt like feathers as Type stood frozen in fear...his heart beat not present anymore ...
He kissed his hands a kiss light as a butterfly ...
Hi i' m death .... Welcome to afterlife .....

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