What A Flirt| Roy Harper (Red Arrow) X Reader

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Y/n is the daughter of Superman, but Superman and Conner are protective of her.

———————-Y/N POV————
I'm friends with everyone at Mount Justice on the team.
Did I forget to mention I'm like a animal whisperer, for some reason animals love me.
I'm always there for my brother Conner or as some of you know him as Superboy.
When he looses his temper or gets angry, I can calm him down. Me and Megan can calm him down.
My brother says that I understand him better then anyone here.

He feels like dad, I mean Superman hates him.
Since dad is giving Conner signs that he doesn't like him.
But I'm there for him, whenever he needs me.
Right now I'm on the couch snuggling with wolf.
He is such a sweet heart he is always by my side but he rarely leaves me to go see Conner.

Anyway I'm watching a show with Conner, then out of nowhere the zeta tube goes off and says "Red Arrow."
A red headed man stomps in and yells "WHERE ARE THEY?!WHERE IS WEST AND ROBIN!?"
He stops in the living room behind the couch.
He looks at Conner, not noticing me and says "Conner where are they?"

Conner looks up with a blank face and says "How should I know, I'm not their guardian."
Red Arrow growls until he sees me and puts on a smile.
He jumps over the couch and lands next to me. He says "And who are you?"
I hear both Conner and Wolf growl I lift my hand meaning calm down.

I raise a eye brow and say "Why do you need to know?"
He has a smirk on his face now and he says "Just curious, I've never seen you here before are you new?"
I say "alright my name y/n aka Super Girl and yes I'm new. What's your name?"
He says "Sorry sweetie I can't say my real name but I can tell you my hero name. It's Red Arrow also known as Roy."

I say "Alright, if you don't mind me asking why were you yelling to know where KF and Robin are?"
He sighs and says "They stole something from me and left a note."
I try to hold in a laugh, he looks at me and raises a brow.
He says "What's so funny huh?"
I say "Nothing just that sounds so like them."
He chuckles and says "Yeah they used to do that before the young Justice team was formed and I left."

I chuckle and say "Well they are still pulling their pranks, even on each other."
He nods his head and says "It's ridicules that they still pull these childish games."
I say "There just bored and they are in there young teenage years after all."
Roy chuckles and says "I guess your right."
I then realize something, I say "Roy, what did they steal exactly?"

I look at Roy and see he's staring at me.
I say "Um Roy you ok? Do I have something on my face?"
He shakes his head and says "No, but I think I found something better then what I came here for."
I look at him confused and say "What do you mean?"
Roy leans closer to me and pulls me into a kiss.
Then he got ripped off of me by Conner with wolf next to him growling.

Conner looks at him with the deadliest death glare I've ever seen, that puts the batglate to shame.
He says "You stay away from my sister Roy or I swear to god you'll wish you were never born!"
Conner puts Roy down back on the couch.
Then Conner and Wolf leave the living room in anger.

Roy looks away from Conner to me and says "Your brother is really scary."
I nervously chuckle and say "Yeah him, dad and wolf are really protective of me."
He says "Great so I've gotta be carful of the rest of the supers."
I giggle and nod my head.

—————6 MONTH LATER—————

Shortly after I met Roy, we started dating.
But we've hidden it from everyone especially dad, Conner and G.A.
Roy didn't want to let G.A know because he will probably tell dad and that won't end well.
So anyway right now me and the team are on a mission, Batman has aloud Roy to join.
The mission was to infiltrate a Cadmus base and get everything we could get on a new project they are working on.

We were all in our positions. Me and Roy were stationed on the rooftop. The team is inside they rounded up the guards for inside but in case they call for back up me and Roy with stop them from entering. We have been up here for about 10 minutes now and nothing not even a bird showed. I feel someone staring at me I turn and see Roy who has a smirk on his face. I smile at him and say "what are you smirking at?"
He says "Just looking at my beautiful Girlfriend, is that so wrong?"
I giggle and say "Not at all."
He walks up to me and we start talking then we see the moon and stars have come out.
He hugs me with a warm and comforting embrace.

I smile and say "I'm so lucky that I met you."
He says "No I'm the lucky one, I thought I wouldn't find anyone that would understand me. Until I met you and I feel like you complete me."
We pull away from the hug and we kiss until we hear a throat clear.
We separate from the kiss to see dad, Conner and G.A.

It was at that moment I knew we are so busted.
Dad and Conner look so angry, I gulp silently in worry and scared.
G.A on the other hand is smiling and smirking at Roy.
Dad was about to yell until G.A says "How long?"

Me and Roy look at each other and say "About 5 months."
When we said that dad and conners face got more angry.
Oh god they are gonna yell like no tomorrow.

Dad was about to yell but G.A talked first and said "Wow I'm shocked we didn't notice. Roy have you been treating right?"
Roy brings me into a side hug and says "Of course I have been she's the love of my life."
I blush in embarrassment.

Dad says "Y/n are you really happy with him?"
I nod my head he looks at Roy, then at me and says "Alright I approve as long as I don't see any kids running around until she's at least married. Or has a ring on her finger."

Blush in more embarrassment, Roy says "Will do Sup."
I smack Roy's arm and he says "Oh sorry I meant will do Superman."
I chuckle and say "Dad, he's alright. Lay off please go easy."
Dad sighs and says "alright fine, but you break her heart Harper and your dead, got it!"
Roy nods his head dad and Conner left.
G.A is next to us and he said "You guys can tell me, Roy did you do it?"

My face got red from embarrassment and I put my head in Roy's chest. Roy pats my head and says "No we are waiting for awhile."
I hear him whisper to G.A "Sadly no but one of these days I'll —-"
I pull Roy away and I say "Alright enough with the dirty minds, seriously it's gross."

Roy chuckles and G.A whispers to Roy "You chose a good women Roy, take care of her."
Roy says "Alright and with that G.A leaves and we are left alone on a roof of a building. Looking at the beautiful stars up above.
Roy brings me into a side hug with his arm around my shoulders.

We look up and Roy says "So.... Do you wanna have kids?"

—————-Author Note————-
Word count: 1,335

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