Aquaman X Reader

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My name is Y/n Aqua

I've been best friends with Aquaman or as I call him Arthur for years ever since childhood. We started dating in our teens and we are to be wed in just a month. But if this war continues then it might be longer. I have been trained to fight be cause there was rumor a war was to start so I start training to be able to protect everyone. I found out I'm pregnant (3 Weeks) but I haven't told anyone yet especially Arthur. With the war and keeping people safe plus his other king responsibilities he's stressed as is. I'm gonna wait for when everything is ok when we don't have a war going on anymore.

(Outfit below with or without hood it's up to you)

(Outfit below with or without hood it's up to you)

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There's a war between use Atlantians and humans. They are full of anger something has driven them to this state of destruction. Arthur request that I along with himself and a few others create a water dome to protect us from the attacks. After about a week everything seemed to cool down we haven't gotten any attack.

Right now it's 9am, I have the day to myself I say hello to everyone I pass. I see Arthur up and talking to some guards. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and leave him to talk. I got the boarder of the dome to lets some of the sea animals out through a small opening in the dome. I make sure no human tries to enter. As I am doing so I do some thinking on how we can end this war.

I hear a noise from behind me, I turn around fast thinking a human made it through the dome. only to be met with my personal guard Jack, I let out a sigh and say "Oh Jack you scared me. You shouldn't do that I could've hurt you. What are you doing out here anyway, I told you to stay at the palace and I would return in a little bit."

He says "I got worried no one go through the space?"

I turn back to look at the dome and say "So far no human has tried or attempted to enter. Which is a relief. Only I wish we knew what they were thinking. What do you think Ja....."

I turn around to face him only to be met with a blade through in my shoulder and then quickly takes it out and stabs my abdomen. I feel the pain from both my shoulder to my Abdomen, I put a hand on bleed abdomen to slow the bleed process.

I have no balance and I fall into Jack who pushes me off of him and I land on the hard ground with my head hitting a hard rock. The last thing i hear is my heart beat slowing down. I black out from blood loss and my head getting hit.

------------ARTHUR POV--------------

It's been 3 hours since Y/n went to the edge of the dome to let the animals escape from our dome and release them into the ocean to be free. I ask one of mine and Y/n personal guard where Y/n would've gone. They showed me and when we arrive I see Y/n passed out on the floor with a stab wound in her shoulder and her abdomen bleading badly.

I rush to her quickly and pick her up gently, I notice the water behind her head has a faint shade of red then I realized she got hit in the head hard. I instruct the guard to inform the other guards that there is intruder in the dome. I rush Y/n back to the palace and get all of the doctors to arrive to help heal her. I didn't want to leave her side the doctors told me they needed space to check on her. I respected their order, but I couldn't help but worry.

After about an hour a doctor comes out of the room. The doctor says " She should be fine, we stitched her shoulder and abandon where the stab wounds were. Along with where her head had a cut in the back of it. So she will still be a bit dizzy or vision is a tiny bit fuzzy. But she will definitely have a headache for a while so I'll start her on some meds. Also your highness I have good news for you."

I raise a brow in confusion and the doctor smiled and says "Y/n is with child. Luckily the child is unharmed. She is either 3 or 4 weeks along. Congratulations King Arthur."

I'm gonna be a father? When was y/n gonna tell me? I say "Can I go and see her?"

The doctor says "Yes she should be up within an hour."

I nod my head and enter the her room. I see
y/n sleeping. I look at her and smile. I bring my hand to her cheek and rub my thumb on her cheek. A few moment later she starts waking up. She looks around and mumbles "W-Where am I? What happened?"

I say "Your at hospital, we found you attacked. You had been stabbed in you abdomen and shoulder. You were unconscious laying on the sea floor. Do you remember any of that?"

She nods her head and says "Y-Yes, WAIT YOU SAID ABDOMEN!! OH NO!"

She starts crying, I put my hand on her hand which is on her lap. I say "It's ok the doctor told me everything and the baby is fine."

She says "I'm so sorry, I was going to wait until the war was over with. For me to tell you, I didn't want to add on anymore stress and worry for you. You have plenty of stuff on your plate as of late I wanted to wait until everything is settled and safe."

I look at her and softly smile, I put my thumb back on her cheek and say "You don't have to worry about me Y/n. I know everything has happened at once and thing are hectic but you should always be able to tell me anything no matter what. I hope you know that."

She smiles and says "I want to raise this child with you Arthur."

I smile and say "We will don't you ever worry again about anything."

---------Author Note-----------

Word Count: 1,085

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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