BatFam X Suidical Reader

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(I'm Y/N Wayne the daughter of Talia Al Ghual and Bruce Wayne. I'm also the little sister of Damian Wayne (13 years old). I'm 12 years old. You would think being related to Bruce, Talia, Ra's and Damian would be amazing. Well it's not. I never get a break, I get insulted and abused by my mother, big brother and grandfather anyway this is my story.)

Right now I'm training with Richard, we are both in our uniforms. He tries to hit me with his elastic sticks. But I dodge the attack and do a jump backwards in the air while doing a flip. I land a few feet away from where I was, Richard starts talking to me. Richard says "Nice job y/n, you remember what I showed you and perfected it."

After a few more minutes of fighting we stop to take a break. Me and Richard go upstairs to get a couple bottles of water. Richard says "Y/n what's wrong?"
I look at him confused and say "What are you talking about? I'm fine."
He narrows his eyes, he puts his hands on my shoulders and says "You can't expect me to believe that. Now what's been bugging you? You know I'll always be there for you."

I sigh sadly and say "I can't do anything right Richard, I try and try but it's never good enough for them. I keep getting criticized and being hated by my own blood. What have I done wrong for my mother, grandfather and brother to hate me?"
I hadn't noticed that I was crying until Richard wipes my cheeks and I see tears. He pulls me into a hug and rubs my back. He says "Let it all out Y/n it's ok."

I start sobbing and crying into Richards chest. The tears wouldn't stop, I just remember all the times I got looked down upon on my own blood along with them hurting me. After a few minutes I begin to feel sleepy but I wanted to cry more then all I see is dark.

Dicks POV

I was hugging y/n it's not right how Damian,Talia and Ra's treats her. From what y/n has told me growing up they were all harsh on her aside from bruce. They would make her practice until she couldn't move anymore and would beat her if she didn't complete a mission right or if she messed up on a move.

They made her feel like she's nothing like she's worthless. After a few minutes of thinking to myself I notice that y/n stopped crying. I look down at her and see that she fell asleep, she cried her self to sleep. Just then Jason walks into the kitchen and sees me holding y/n. He says "What happened?"

I explain everything and boy was he angry.
You see y/n is like a little sister to me and Jason. We care about her like she is our own sister.
After telling him everything his hands were turned into fists and his face was turned into a scowl. You can easily tell he was beyond angry.
He says "They can't do that! I'll go show them that—"

I interrupt him and say "I couldn't agree more but Bruce would kill us."
Jason looks at me with anger and says "What's more important getting permission to talk to Ra's and Talia or going ourselves to protect our little sister?"

I look down at a sleeping y/n and I sigh and say  "Going to talk to them ourselves. But let me do the talking."
He takes a heavy and frustrated sigh and says "Alright fine. But if they say one bad thing about y/n I'm attacking them."
I say "Just try to keep your temper, remember what happened when you let your temper take control of you."

(Dick is talking about when Jason got angry at Joker and ran after him, later resulting in the Joker killing Jason.)
Jason looks at me with a stone hard look and says "I'll never allow that to happen again. YOU GOT IT, I'M STRONGER THEN BEFORE!"
We start walking to y/n's room for me to put her into bed. Once we left her room, we started talking about a plan on how what to say to Ra's and Talia.

——————3RD POV—————
Bruce is in the bat cave and watches the security cameras. He sees y/n crying and Jason and dick talking after bringing y/n to her room. Bruce heard their plan, he looks at y/n's sleeping figure and sighs. He says to him self " I have to talk to Talia before this gets out of hand. Y/n doesn't deserve how the Al Ghuals are treating her, and that includes them hurting her."

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