Jason Todd X Reader Part: 2

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—WARNING: If you haven't seen Batman Under The Hood you will get confused so you might want to watch the movie. Also I changed what happens in the movie a bit.----

(Short Chapter)

(Y/N's outfit)

——————-JASON POV————

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——————-JASON POV————

It's been a year since y/n died, I visit her grave at least once or twice a week. I miss her she was my light in the darkness.
Dick tried getting over y/n death but how can he, y/n was his little sister.
Right now me and Batman are suiting up for a mission it looks like Ra's Al Ghual and Joker are working together again.
I don't know why Ra's gave joker another chance he already killed y/n he'll kill again I know it.

I went after Joker while Batman went after Ra's.
But when I started fighting Joker he knocked me out all I see is darkness.
I wake up to hear jokers laugh, he starts beating me with a crowbar.
To the point in which I can't move or breathe without feeling imence pain and aches.
My head is killing me, I can't hear what he says when we talk.

After beating me some more, he walks away to a door that I believe leads outside.
When he shuts the door behind him I get my hands that are tied behind my back moved to my chest.
Using a summer salt like move.
Once that was done I try going to the door but all I felt was pain and aching every step I took.
To the point I fell down and dragged myself to the door only for it to be locked.

Then I hear a beeping on the other side of the room.
I say "You gotta be kidding me."
Not a moment later all I see is darkness.
With that I died.

————————Y/N POV———————

Ever since I've been resurrected a year ago, I've been keeping a eye on Jason and Dick.
I don't blame Bruce for not being able to save me a year ago today.
It hurt me so much not to let Jay and Dick know that I'm alive.

Now I'm following Batman as he is driving a snowmobile to somewhere in a hurry.
Then it hits me where's Jay?
I already hacked into the bat-computer months ago so I can keep a eye on them.
Batman said something about the Joker taking Jay.

Then it hit me Joker killed me in a wear house, he's probably going to kill Jay in a wear house as well.
There's a wearhouse not to far from here, I jump from roof top to roof top not stopping and going as fast I can.
When I get there I see Batman holding Jay's dead body.

I cry my heart out I whisper "He didn't deserve this. Why? Why did it have to happen to him?"
I jump to a roof top away and let it all out. I sob and sob.
Then I stop and think Ra's he can bring him back.

I run and jump to Ra's liar that's not to far, when I get there I walk into his office.
He has his back to me and says "Hello Y/n it's been what a year?"
I say "Yes it has. I wish to ask something of you."
He turns around and says "And what would that be?"

I say "You teamed up with the joker again and this time he killed Jason or as you might know the 2nd Robin. I wish to bring Jason back please. He didn't deserve this he was too young as was I."
Ra's says "You really care for him don't you?"
I nod my head and say "Yes I do he's my best friend and my lover."

Ra's says "Alright but you owe me one day."
A small smile makes it way to my face and I say "Thank you Ra's."
He says "How do you wish to do this?"
I say "Like how you did with me replace his body with a fake and resurrected the real Jason."

Ra's says "Alright I suppose we can do it again it might be risky."
I say "I'll do whatever it takes. Think about how you would feel if your daughter died to young. You would be desperate to get her back wouldn't you. You would do anything."

He nods his head and says "I would, yes. Alright you convinced me. We will start as soon as Bruce drops Jason off at the funeral home."
I nod my head and say "Thank you Ra's I won't forget this."

———————TIME SKIP—————

Ra's men have come back with Jason's body.
We bring his body down to the Lazarus pit, where I was resurrected.
Ra's looks at me and says "I will tell you what your about to see is very hard to witness. But I believe you can calm him down, you bring back his memories. With you with him he will regain his memories faster then it took you to get your memories back."

I nod my head, Talia walks over to me and put a hand on my shoulder and says "I know that this is hard but I'm here for you. I can't imagine what your going through, I hope you can make him remember."

I look at her and say "Thank you Talia you've helped me. Especially when I was resurrected, you helped me and for that I'm grateful."
She smiles and gives me a comforting hug.
If your wondering Talia and I have become friends. She helped me get my memories back.
Ra's men lower down Jason's body into the pit.
We see bubbles arise from the water, I gulp in worry.

The Jason gets up and runs out of the pit and starts attacking Ra's men.
Then he get out of the cave and jumps out of the widow.
I look at Ra's and Talia and I say "I'm going after him."
With that I jump out the widow and land next to him in the water.

He sees me and starts freaking out until I put my hand on his shoulder.
He looks at me scared I say "Jason, it's me Y/n. Everything's alright, I know your scared I was too. Also you won't remember anything but your memories will come back. I promise."

He looks at me and he pulls me into a hug and says "Y-Y/N, I'm scared. What happened?"
I hug him back gently and I say "Jay I know your scared, but you have to listen to me. You died the Joker killed you the same way he killed me a year ago."

Jason says "I-I'm dead? But how am I here?
Am I in hell?"
I say "No I made a deal with Ra's to bring you back to life, like what he did for me."
He says "We are alive."
I nod my head he lets go of the hug.
He's says "We are going back to Gotham. We have some stuff to take care of."
I nod my head.

——————AUTHOR NOTE—————
Hope you like part 2
Word Count :1,137

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