Batman (Bruce Wayne) X Reader

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(Y/n Kent a.k.a. Superwoman sister of Superman (Clark Kent) and Aunt of Superboy (Conner Kent) y/n also lives in Mount Justice so she can train the members. On things they need help with, but she is a member of both the Justice League. She knows everyone's identities.)
(W.W. Is short for Wonder Woman just a heads up)

I'm helping Conner out with his powers in training. I say "Ok Conner with your super strength you need to be careful. You can hurt someone with your strength even when you don't mean it."
If your wondering why I'm helping him and not Batman or My brother. Well I understand Conner and I've been there for him even when a certain Kryptonian doesn't want to see him. Conner says that I'm like a mom to him but really I'm his aunt. After our training session I get called to the watchtower to help the league. Even though I'm a member,I tell Conner "Ok that's it for training today the league needs me."
He says "Y/n why does Superman not like me?"
I look at him and smile softly and kindly and say "Conner he is just dealing with a lot, I understand that you want him to notice you. I was once in your shoes. But know he does care about you he shows it differently like how Batman shows emotions to Robin. But I'll always be here for you Conner if you need anything, anything at all you know how to call me."
With that I give him a hug and leave, as I arrive at the watchtower I get a message from my best friend Wonder Woman. That says "We need you in the meeting room there's a important mission."
I reply with a "ok"
I enter and see my brother glance at me and looks away, he must know I've been helping Conner. After Batman informs us on a mission we are gonna be leaving in about a hour. I feel starring at me, Wonder Woman walks up to me and whispers "I think someone likes you."
I look at her confused and say "What are you talking about?"
Well there's a certain bat that has had his eye on you for a while like right now."
My eyes widened and I say "Wait Batman I thought it was a imagination that someone was watching me today."
She shakes her head and says "He's been asking me and some of the other girls how to ask you out." I blush a little and say "Why would he like me?"
She shrugs her shoulders and says "Why don't you ask him. I know you like him too."
I look away from her and say "Why do you say that?"
She smirks and says "You glance at him every once and a while and blush. Whenever he talks to you lately you've been shy or blush."
I was about to talk until I feel someone out there hand on my shoulder.
I flip whoever it is to see Batman, oh no.
I help him up and say "I am so sorry Batman I didn't know that was you, ya scared me."
He nods his head in understanding and says "No I understand it's fine. I shouldn't have startled you."
I say "Thanks for understanding, I gotta go back to Mount Justice since it's so late. Well goodnight Batman, Wonder Woman."
When I get back to Mount Justice I get a message from W.W.
W.W "Goodnight best friend. Batman probably misses you."
I smile and say "Yeah right he doesn't even know I exist. Except for today when I flip him over my shoulder onto the ground. He probably hates me, I don't blame him."
W.W "He's not mad he even said that he understands."
I say "W.W he was probably trying to be nice."
W.W "Yeah ok, anyway I gotta go to bed."
I say "Alright goodnight."
I walk into the living room to see Conner watching static. I really gotta show him other channels other then just static. I walk up to the couch and say "Hey Conner how was your day?"
He turns so I can see his face to see him crying I jump over the couch and bring him into a hug.
His head is on my shoulder crying.

—————BATMAN POV——————
I arrive at Mount Justice I need to tell Y/n my true feelings. I walk in and see y/n hugging a crying Conner. I stay hidden to see what happens. I hear y/n say "Conner what happened?"
Conner takes a shaking breath and says "I tried asking Superman to help me control my powers and train me with you. All he said was Conner,Y/n or Batman can help you. I'm too busy to be taking care of a clone that could be evil." I hear y/n say "Conner listen to me like I told you earlier, Superman has a hard time showing his feelings. He is trying to tell you is that he is busy. He didn't mean to hurt you feelings he is still a bit scared. He didn't mean to snap at you, even so removed I'm here for you that's what aunts and friends are for."
I hear Conner let a few more sobs, she knows how to take care of others.
Conner says "Why do you care about me? I'm just a clone nothing special."
Y/n looks at him sternly and says "Conner don't you ever say that. You are special everyone is special, we all have our own flaws. What we are good at, hobbies and powers. The reason I care about you is because you remind me of myself when I was younger. I was carefree, I had some anger management problems and I didn't know how to use my powers. But over time I mastered my powers and emotions. It also helped that I fell in love with someone that helped me. He was there for me even when Superman said that I wasn't his sister. But the man I fell in love with proved him wrong."
Conner says "Thank you Auntie Y/n."
She says "No problem, now it's time to go to bed it's late."
Conner leaves probably to go to bed, I walk into the living room. I clear my throat and y/n turns around and says "Batman what are you doing here?"
I say "I need to talk to you in private, follow me."
I lead her into the training room and stop.
Y/n says "Um am I in trouble or something?"
I shake my head and say "No your not in trouble. I gotta tell you something."
Y/n nods her head meaning continue.
I say "Superwoman uh I mean Y/n, I gotta get this off of my chest."
Y/n looks at me concerned and says "Is something wrong?"
I shake my head and say "No what I mean to say is y/n I like you like love you. I was wondering if you would like to go out with me."
She smiles and says "I would love too, I was gonna confess to you before but you beat me to it."
I chuckle she hugs me I sigh in happiness.
Y/n lets go of the hug but is still close to me and we look at each other. Before I know it we are kissing and I feel y/n's arms around my neck. My arms slide down to her waist to keep her close. We end the kiss and we smile at each other in joy.

———————3RD POV——————
Robin, Conner, Wally, Superman and W.W are watching.  W.W, Wally and Robin have smug looks on their faces and smirks. Superman and Conner are in shock. W.W and Robin both said "Knew it!"
Robin looks at Wally and Conner and says "You guys owe me $10 each."
Wally groans and Conner is still shocked.
W.W looks at Superman and says "I told you now about the bet. What did we agree on oh right $50. Come on pay up."
Superman grumbles and says "Fine, here."
Both W.W and Robin say "Thank you! Now it's late everyone bed now!"
With that everyone leaves for bed.

————————AUTHOR POV——————
Hope you guys liked the Batman X Reader
one shot.
Word Count: 1,402

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