Aqualad (Kalder) X Reader

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             (Y.J Season 2 Episode 7)
( Kaldur & Y/n age 21 years old)

Me and Kalder have been dating for 5 years. since we were both 16 years old. Before we dated we were best friends, he was the sidekick of Aquaman and I was the sidekick of Black Canary. We were best friends for about 4 years then we started dating. To be honest I couldn't be happier being with Kalder. When we started Young Justice we both agreed that Kalder would lead until Robin was ready. Anyway that's our back story now on to the story.

Me and Artimas are talking to Nightwing about his plan about Kalder killing us so he can get his real fathers trust. Nightwing told us that we will be putting the plan in motion tomorrow late afternoon.

(If your wondering why Kaldur is gonna fake kill y/n it's because Black Manta knows that Kaldur and y/n are dating. If Kaldur kills y/n along with Artimas, kaldur will gain black mantas trust)

Once we finished talking me and Artimas decided to walk out. I sigh she looks at me and notices that I didn't like the plan.
When we got out of the Zeta Tube Artimas brought me to the park and told me to sit with her. She says "Y/n whats wrong? And don't lie to me and say nothings wrong we have been best friends since we met."

I look at my lap in order to avoid eye contact with her. She sighs and says "You don't like the plan do you?"
I shake my head and tears leave my eyes. Artimas bring me into a hug I keep shaking my head. She rubs my back and says "It's alright I don't like this as much as you do. But we need to let him gain his fathers trust."

I say "I haven't seen him since he started working for his father in order to keep me safe. I miss him so much, I wish I could see him. Especially away from the battle and the fights."
Artimas let's go of the hug and looks at me.
She says "I know it's been tough, I can't imagine how you feel. I wish I could help, how about we have a girls night. Wally is at a family party and he won't be back until tomorrow."
I nod my head and wipe my tears off of my cheeks.

——————Kaldur POV—————
I look at a picture of me and y/n on our first date. A tear leaves my eyes, I miss her so much. I haven't seen her in so long, I just want to see her to know that she's alright.

Nightwing informed me of the plan no matter how much I didn't like it we have to do it in order to gain my dads trust. I'm just worried about y/n I have to hurt her, it kills me thinking about hurting her. I think about how before this mission I was gonna propose to y/n but I was called into this mission.

Hopefully when this is all over me and y/n can leave the field and settle down. I don't want y/n getting hurt or risking herself for a mission. I look at myself in the mirror and wipe the one tear away from my cheek.

With the one hand that's not holding the picture, I clutch my hand into a fist. Then I think to myself once this is over there will be it. No more missions and I can see y/n again and be with her.

—————TIME SKIP (Y/N POV)—————
I spent the night at Artimas and Wallys house. I slept in one of the guess bedrooms. Me and Artimas are getting ready to leave, but we are gonna wear our civilian clothes.

But when we enter the Zeta Tube we will put our hero masks on. When we get to Mount Justice we will go to the locker room and change into our hero outfits.

(What Y/N is wearing, since she's wearing sunglasses she's fine. Also the original YJ team knows her real name)

 Also the original YJ team knows her real name)

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