𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮

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"Ughhhh I was watching auntie Kayla's live!" My daughter liberty pouted as I took her phone. "Who are you yelling at?" I said, straight facing her.

"Nobody, but grandbabii was showing me his new toys mommy." She frowned.

"You can get your phone back after you finish your homework." I said, taking a sip of my water. I was all for letting Liberty have fun, and chatting with her favorite cousin but when it was time to be serious, I was serious.

"Mommy are you still going to be a chaperone for my field trip on monday?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm still coming." I nodded my head, watching her pick up her pencil.

"Oh.." She frowned, beginning to start on her new math problem.

"Why? what's wrong liberty?" I asked, getting up to pour the remaining water in my cup in the sink.

She stayed silent.

"Oh I get it, so you mad at mommy because I took your little phone huh?" I rolled my eyes.

All of a sudden she just threw her head down onto her notebook and bursted into tears. I quickly went around the table to comfort her. "Lib what's wrong with you?"

"It's just... everybody's daddy is taking them and I don't have a daddy. The kids at school tease me and say that he left me mommy. Is that true?" She continued to cry.

Hearing those words come out of her mouth, caused an instant heart break. No parent wants to see their child suffering or hurting. I put talking about what really happened to Liberty's dad (Dayvon) off for as long as I could but It was a conversation that needed to be talked about now because Liberty deserved to know the truth.

I kneeled down on my knees, resting my arms against the kitchen table. I wiped the tears from her eyes trying to calm her down. "Liberty there's something we need to talk about."

"What?" She sniffled.

"Are sure you're ready for this?"

She nodded her head and sat up a little bit, wiping her face off with the box of tissues that sat on the kitchen counter.

"Your daddy's gone Liberty, he died when you were much smaller."

"How much smaller?"

"When you were like two years old," Here I was bringing up the worst day of my life, Liberty was only two when Von got killed right in front of our door step. It was hard enough losing him but then having to continue to raise our child was even harder on me.

𝐕𝐎𝐍'𝐒 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃.Where stories live. Discover now