Welcome to the family.

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For the rest of the day you and Gellert sat talking with Queenie and Jacob when he came home from work,he was a bit skeptical about having two former criminals in his home but his wife talked him around. The next day you and Gellert went sight seeing around the local town.

However when the two of you went back to your home the new Nurmengard,Gellert left again not two minutes later saying he has something to do. So you wondered aimlessly around the now smaller castle. After a while you remembered something, you apperated to the Kowski house and knocked on the door.

To your surprise, it was Jacob at the door
"Ah Jacob, is Queenie home?" You ask him
"Yeah..." Jacob begins
"Great" you say not letting him finish and pushing past him and going into the house"Queenie "you shout. The woman in question comes down the stairs.

"Y/n,what are you doing here. I thought you where spending the day with your husband" Queenie says
"We where but Gellert left to do something and I remembered I gave you some important stuff before we...we went to jail" You explained
"Important stuff?" Queenie asks
"Yes its about my marriage" you remind her.

"Oh yes,now I remember" Queenie says"I'll got get it"whilst Queenie went back upstairs, Jacob spoke to you
"What important stuff does my wife have of yours?"he asks
"Just some of mine and Gellert" s memories "you explained
"Oh I didn't know that" Jacob admits.

"Well I told her not to tell anyone about this box"you explain, a few moments later Queenie returned with the box
"Here we are,still untouched" Queenie says handing the box to you "What's in there?"
"Just some sentimental stuff" you tell her"Anyway thanks for keeping this safe for me"with that you leave and apperate back home.

Once inside Nurmengard you head to the living room,you are greeted by Gellert
"Where have you been,my love?" Geller asks you
"I went to collect something from Queenie" you tell him
"What is that then?" Gellert inquiries
"Just some old letters,pictures,jewelry and other stuff" you tell him"I wanted it to be...given to our...child or children...so they would know the real us and not the lies"you say.

"That's very sweet and thoughtful of you,my Queen" Gellert says"I have a gift for you, that will make you happy"
"You know I don't need anything, just you" you say to him
"Well if your sure" Gellert says,stepping to the side of the couch where a box is sat
"What's that?" You ask
"Open it" Gellert tells you.

You go over to the box and it moves slightly, cautiously you take off the lid and look inside
"Oh Gellert,its perfect" you say,reaching into the box and picking up the small bundle of fur,which is a Husky puppy
"I know its not the same as a child but..." Gellert says but cut him off by hugging him
"I love it Gellert,thank you" you say.

"He doesn't have a name?" Gellert adds
"Well he does have your eyes" you say to your husband
"Don't tell me your going to name him Gellert Jr?" Gellert teases
"Nope,Demon" you say
"Demon?" Gellert asks
"Yep,because every handsome devil needs his demons" you tell Gellert,which he laughs at
"Only you could think up that,my love."

A/n Gellert and Demon,just pretend its a puppy and the brown dot is the brown eye

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A/n Gellert and Demon,just pretend its a puppy and the brown dot is the brown eye.

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