This Complicates things.

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Once inside the tardis Gellert puts Y/n down,but before she could run,he makes ropes appear around her so she can't move
"How dare you hold me hostage" Y/n says,with a flick of his wrist,Y/n can't speak. The doors to the tardis open and Matthew and the Doctor come in
"Right let's sort this out" Matthew says.

The Doctor walks over and crouches in front of Y/n,he holds her head and attempts to read her mind
"Impossible" the Doctor says
"What is?" Matthew asks
"Why Y/n doesn't remember you" the Doctor says "Look at her eyes and tell me what you see?" Gellert and Matthew look into Y/n's E/c,they looked normal but then they changed to a darker/lighter shade(basically if you have light blue eyes they are dark blue and flicker to light blue)

"Her eyes flicker" Gellert says
"Exactly, their are two people in there" the Doctor says jumping up,he grabs his sonic from his pocket"lay her down,I can cancel out the other person for now and hopefully you can talk to your wife"once Y/n is laying down on the glass floor by the console, the Doctor points the sonic at her and her eyes settle on her proper colour,Gellert waves his hand and she talks
"Gellert...what happened to me?"Y/n asks,sounding like herself again.

"What do you remember,my love?" Gellert asks
"We went to the ministry, met up with Matthew again after years,then some woman came in er...Maddaline Kowski,she said something and then someone touched me and I disappeared" Y/n says
"It was Theseus Scamander" Gellert says
"Why?" Y/n asks.

"Don't know" Matthew says "What happened after you disappeared?"
"It was black for ages,then I woke up in a bed" Y/n said"the strange part is,I could see everything happening but I wasn't in control,it was like being under the imperious curse"
"When this world changed, and you where removed you were then placed into a copy body that the rings somehow made" the Doctor explained
"Who are you?" Y/n asks.

"I'm the Doctor, a 900 year old alien with two hearts and I'm the last of my kind" the Doctor says
"Cool" Y/n says,the Doctor and Matthew leave Gellert with Y/n
"How long have I been gone?" Y/n asks
"I'm not sure,this world has changed so much" Gellert says"That Deed guy,said I was dead do you know about that?"

"You don't exist here,there is no history of you" Y/n says
"Could there be a break down of this world,that's how Deed knew my name" Gellert says
"It is possible" Y/n says "And the copy body doesn't exist,so she doesn't know you at all"
"Doctor, is it possible for this world to be breaking down?" Gellert calls

"It is possible, the full power of the rings of Aliamrod aren't fully understood" the Doctor says
"Maybe Maddaline or Theseus are having second thoughts?" Matthew asks
"Then we find them and put everything back" the Doctor says
"Not until you fix my wife" Gellert says
"First we save Y/n,then the world"

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