All for you.

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A/n I'd like to thank Alm344 for helping me with the idea for this chapter.

For the next couple of day's I hardly saw Gellert as he was always busy doing something. I wasn't allowed to see what he was doing but Gellert has promised to tell me soon. I woke up alone on Thursday,which is normal recently as Gellert is doing...whatever. I get out of bed and head to the bathroom when the door opens and Gellert walks in
"Good morning my love"
"Why are you so perky?" I ask
"Can I not be?" Gellert asks.

"Sure you can be" I say
"May I say how beautiful you look this morning" Gellert says coming over to me
"I just got up,I probably look like I have been dragged threw a hedge backwards" I say
"Your point" Gellert says stopping in front of me"Your still the most beautiful woman in the world "
"Well Mr Happy,you sit and wait whilst I go shower" I say
"Okay" Gellert goes and sits on the bed
"What you don't want to join me?"

"No,you can shower alone" Gellert says. After showering and doing my morning routine I walk back into our bedroom, and I walk over to my husband he stands up and kisses me passionately on the lips
"Wowza" I say breathless after we part
"There is more where that came from" Gellert says"Shall we?"he offers a arm which I take "So guess what today is?"

"Well its not my birthday and its not yours" I say"Nor a holiday, so..."I suddenly stop "Wait is it our anniversary?"
"That is correct" Gellert tells me
"Oh no,I forgot our anniversary" I say sad
"Not to worry my queen,I'm not upset" Gellert tells me"I had a feeling you would forget,so I have decided to make today all about you."

"But we haven't celebrated in years" I say
"True,but I wanted to do something special for you" Gellert says,we carry on and he leads me to the kitchen "It isn't much,but it is only the beginning" Gellert says once in the kitchen, on the table is a breakfast for two and in the center is the rose Gellert gave me on our first anniversary
"This is so beautiful Gellert" I say"Now I feel bad for not getting you a gift. "

"Don't worry my love,you are all the gift I need" Gellert tells me. The food is really good
"This breakfast is amazing, where did you get it?" I ask,Gellert looks at me offended
"Excuse you young lady,I made this my self" Gellert says proud
"You learned to cook all on your own. You're so amazing" I say
"I know I am."

For the rest of the day me and Gellert sat cuddled on the sofa reading
"Today has been truly unforgettable" I say
"It is not over yet" Gellert says,I watch as he stands up and holds out his hand to me. Which I take and he pulls me up and we dissaperate. We reappear on a empty beach just as the sun is setting "I thought a nice picnic on the beach would finish off the day nicely."

We walk along the beach for a bit,until we choose the perfect spot and set up the picnic. We sit and eat the food Gellert had made for us and watch the sun sink in the sky. Once finished we lay down together and look up at the stars,a warm breeze blows around us. All of a sudden there is a meteor shower
"Wow" I say sitting up
"Do you like it?" Gellert asks
"It is beautiful" I say,looking back at Gellert.

"Well its a little spell of mine" Gellert says,I lay back down on my side facing Gellert, who turns to face me
"I still cannot believe you did all of this for me,even when I forgot" I say
"Y/n,you are the reason for all my happiness" Gellert tells me"You have done so much for me over the years,that something as simple as this can never be enough to thank you".

"All I did for you,was all out of love and loyalty to you Gellert" I tell him
"Which I am eternally greatfull for,in all my years before we met I never dreamed I would meet someone as amazing as you, let alone fall in love and marry it is like you stepped out of my dreams"
"I'm glad to be your dreams,my king" I say to Gellert and we share a romantic kiss as the stars continue to dance across the sky.

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